The Changes

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"Mephiles is planning something. He's got everyone believing that if they gather the scepters scattered among the world it can prevent a disaster." Eggman explained to the lion on the screen, "Sonic and Amy just confirmed it by breaking in and taking one saying they're going to bring it to GUN."

"This isn't good. If brought together the scepters send out strong signals that the planet is strong and challenging, ready for war. Those in the outer galaxies love to fight and conquer things, or just leave a path of destruction behind. He's putting everyone in danger! Dr. Eggman you must stop the gathering at all costs! If you should fail then your planet and all who live in it will be doomed and crushed. Contact me if you need help, I can't guarantee our entire army but I'll talk to our king in hopes of something I can do." Mika responded.

"The fate of the world lies in my hands now? Oh ho ho how is that for a turn of the tables!" Eggman cackled filling with pride. "I'll let you know how it goes." He ended the call plotting a way to save the world and earn infinite glory, become the new leader and rule it himself!

-- mean while--

Amy tapped at the phone keys and let out a sigh. She had been trying to text Shadow after her mission was complete. The scepter that she'd taken from the Eggbase left her dazed as if missing something. She just wanted someone to talk to, to get her mind off of such a empty feeling. Not that the text messages weren't going through it was she didn't know what to say to him.

'Shadow I need to talk to you.' She typed in and her thumb hovered over the send key with her thoughts trying to predict what her husband's reply would be. Usually he'd say he was busy if he wasn't with her in person. Or maybe he'd mistake the simple request as a threat to the relationship. Things were getting rough and there have been bouts of fights and threats of leaving each other and coming back together. Every time there was a promise of never leaving each other again or having the same fight. They were so opposite Amy found herself caring too much while Shadow still keeping himself distant and caring too little-- no just not about the same things. They were both very passionate but about different things.

She deleted the message and looked at the empty message box thinking of what she should say, not wanting to sound desperate or in trouble and in need of his help, but wanting immediate attention; perhaps calling would be better. She switched from her text to the contact button yet she didn't want to press call. If only he'd contact her first! But no such luck would come to her and she shut the phone off slipping it in her pocket.

"Hey Amy!" Sonic waved walking up to her, "it's still kind of early wanna grab a bite to eat with Tails and I?"
Though she didn't really feel hungry at the time the invite and getting her mind off of the uncertainty her mind was boiling inside she gladly accepted.

"Great work today little buddy." Sonic pat Tails' head taking the chili dog that was handed over from the hot dog stand. "When Vector came back he was so relieved he started crying."

"Of course, I'd be worried if my girlfriend wasn't seen after a disaster. She was fine just a few scrapes and bruises. You should have seen Charmy and Cream. Never heard a higher pitched scream.." Tails nodded with a smile. He'd found and rescued the rabbit's when he was out in the tornado plane after he took a break from his lab research.
"So Amy how's the family?" Tails asked as she took a hot dog of her own.
"Well we're all doing fine. But it feels like everyone has split their own ways. Honestly there feels like something missing in our relationship more between Shadow and I." She admitted tucking a quill out of her face before she took a bite of the hot dog.

"But, last time you said you never wanted to leave him..." Tails said confused remembering her words over Shadow as he awoke from his coma like state.
"Well I don't want to leave him, not like in a big dramatic breakup over an excuse like he works to bring home money and support the family, that's just stupid. Shadow and I were friends before all of this happened and with time comes change and I think we both changed... grew out of each other and it's time we move on..."
"How can you say that? Shadow loves you. Right?" Sonic watched her suddenly unable to eat the chili dog dripping on his fingers.
"He does, Shadow is a very sweet guy and he doesn't want to hurt any of his friends let alone his wife. But I don't feel it's the same kind of love as it used to be. It's like we both slipped back into the friend zone and thing we used to do are feeling and leaving this awkward silence among us. I feel he's trying super hard not to let me see what he really feels but I've pick up on it. We both feel like it's just time to not be with each other anymore." She sighed taking a soda from the cooler of the cart and cracked it open.
Sonic's mouth froze in a little 'o' how she'd be so calm about losing romance in her life, "So that's just it? You're done with him?"
She looked up tilting her head, "Done with him? No it's not like that... we don't hate each other and it's not like we were using each other. Don't say it like that. I haven't talked to him about it yet but as far as I know that's where terms stand with us."

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