Sonic, Amy, and Eggs

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Shadow met the team with Midnight at his side, and a glare from Rouge before they left G.U.N HQ. Meanwhile Amy left with Sonic to Eggman's base. They snuck past the entrance with no problem and was more than half way through the hallways when a flying monitor whizzed by and stopped right in front of them. The screen displayed the Doctor looking into the camera.

"I thought I smelled a rodent in here! Your little fox friend is quite the technical detective but since I've got advancements from the government now he was found out! Now if you wanted to pay me a visit you should have called ahead, I would have prepared some tea." He chuckled, "What do you want?!"

"What, advancements from the government?? What are you talking about!?" Sonic grit his teeth angrily, "Why would they help you?"

"Well why wouldn't they?! I was there to help save their best agent, and work with them in a time of crisis. It's only right that they gave a little something back in return."

"I thought they were gonna help you with a base. Not computers and stuff."

"Jealous because I have the latest greatest? Tell Tails to put his skills to good work and you can have all the new toys too! Now if you're trying to accuse me of some sort of disaster that I don't know about yet, you're barking up the wrong tree!"

Amy grabbed Sonic's arm, she felt a strange presents calling to her. "A chaos emerald?" She thought out loud causing Sonic to stop his argument and look concerned at her but without question followed her away from the screen as she tugged him down another direction of the hallway.

"Amy what is it?" He finally questioned hearing the screen fly behind them protesting their snooping about.

"I feel something strange.. It's like the energy of a chaos emerald but it's different. It has a voice, like it's calling to me."

"Don't go in that room!" Eggman warned, "I won't say it again."

"What's in there Eggman? What are you hiding!?" Sonic turned back, "I'm politely asking before I go in there and search myself!"

"You can't do that! I should have you both arrested for breaking and entering and trespassing! You don't have a search warrant either!"

Before the two could continue on Amy's hammer cracked the metal door in half causing both to jump in surprise.

"There you are." She said stepping through the door and in the dark. On a shelf among other nicknack things was a crystallized scepter of lavender purple shade.

"No no put that down!" Eggman warned, "this isn't what you came for is it?! You aren't collecting the remaining scepters are you!?"

"If they're bad news in the first place why should we let you keep one!?" Sonic snapped feeling the power of the scepter as well. It changed him, he wanted nothing in life but to hold onto it and protect it. It felt as if it were a harmless baby but always in trouble. Perhaps it made Amy feel the same, the way she cradled it in her arms protectively.

"No you have to put it down! It sends out a distress signal, and warps your mind symptoms of paranoia and inappropriate anger.

"Well, we'll take it to G.U.N and keep it for safe holding. Better with us than with you!" Sonic growled leaning over Amy's shoulder just to get a view of the scepter.

"Before you leave you two, I feel you should know. I read more into Mephiles' story of his 'past' although what he explained was true I don't think he's telling it from the right angle! These scepters hidden on mobius are just as sinister and if put together I feel that-- H-Hey where are you going!?!"

Sonic and Amy both strode away without another word but both close to each other as if taking care of a sweet newborn child in her arms.

"Hm. So our suspicions are correct. I'll have to contact Commander Towers and Shadow right away... Heh look at me, playing the 'good guy' for once." He chuckled to himself as the screen turned off and he swiveled in his chair turning to another screen and began to contact the alien civilization that they encountered only a few weeks ago...

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