Chapter 6

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The drive way back was anything less then quiet. It consisted of the kids blabbing on about nothing and me and Mer catching up. Finally after 10 mins of driving I finally realized I had no idea where we were heading. "Quick question, um where exactly are we going." I asked Mer just looked at me, did she think I could read her mind or something. "So..." "well what do you think, we're going back to moms old place, or I guess mine now. Oh and some other interns are also living there." She replied well this is going to be interesting I thought.

After another ten mins we pulled in to my childhood home. I looked up and see  it hasn't  changed a bit.I thought. I turn around and see you he kids passed out. " I totally forgot, Derek wanted to come by and meet you, so I told him to come at 7, but I can totally cancel and we could just get drunk like old times" "Derek?" I replied with a puzzled look. "Yea... Derek, you know McDremy, wow did I really never tell you his name." "I guess not, don't cancel I want to meet this guy who has made my sister actually have emotions." "Shut up" she responded with a smile and a punch to my arm.

So...... my chapters are extremely short and hardcore suck and I'm sorry for that, but I need to know if anyone's actually reading this . If you are could you please comment?

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