26. My friend

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For those who ask me why you are far away from me
The secret is between the pen and the paper
I am distant because I feel closeness to you
and I want you to miss me more
Even if the sun goes down it will be back again
The door to my heart is always open to the kind (people)
No one can close the door to my heart when I open it
I am humble before Allah and also before people
It is difficult for me to be away from her
I have understanding for other people
but they don't understand me
I am very sad because my heart is saddened
Maybe because there is something in my soul that prevents me
from being happy
I can feel my friends watching me, even if they are not with me
All my friends are nice, but the one who left me, where is she..where?
Even if I die, my words were true
My friend, who thinks the world is lost without religion
And only the Creator can protect it
I am still looking for my friend,
even though I am surrounded by good friends
My friend, who tried to make me happy for life,
I couldn't accept..but hope still remains
Many are jealous of my friend
and their hearts are on fire (because of it)
My friend doesn't want to hurt people,
because she has good intentions and a pure soul
My friend is absent, but the memory remains
When I saw her, my soul awakened and started to long
My friend who gave me happiness...
is as covered by a cloud, and I am longing for the sun to return
I will see my friend whether it is easy or difficult for me
My friend who always has a good character is strong, no one can crush her
Even if she suffers at night, she is never affected by it
My friend planted the tree of hope with true faith
And the truth will be visible from the leaves of the tree when it grows
My virtuous friend is on a straight path and makes me fall in love with her
This the reason why I am sad, if you ask me
and the secret is between the pen and the paper.

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