Chapter 39

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"Wen," I spat his name like poison in my tongue and growled.

"That is Emperor Wen to you, General Mei-Li," Wen has a dagger right in the nape of Ling's neck, holding him hostage. "Where's the Pearl?"

"Destroyed," I said as a lie.

"Liar! You kept it for yourself didn't you?" Pointing the dagger at me then back at the neck. "You honestly believe that I would take your words, a woman. Give me the Pearl and I'll let your precious prince go."

I had my sword in down. "You don't have to do this, he's your brother."

"Brother? Ha!" Wen spat harshly, "I was never the brother for this mutt." Ling squirmed in Wen's arm that is around the upper body. "To think the elders thought making Ling the future emperor is bizarre. He isn't born royalty, he has that whore in his blood to prove him unworthy to be emperor."

"But brother, it was never my intention to be emperor-"

"Silence!" Wen yelled. "I don't need your innocent act. Father had always loved you, the court, the elders, they all respect you. Before you would turn eleven father would have your coronation to be crown prince when I told him as both with royal blood I should be the one to succeed the thrown and you know what our father said to me, I wasn't born to be a leader," he scoffed humorously, "can you believe that? I wasn't worthy to be emperor. That is why I want to show father the true meaning of a leader and not one who shows sympathy for their half blood sons."

Ling gasped, looking at his brother with a glare, "what did you do?"

"Why the angry look, Ling?" Wen smirked. "Your wondering how father gotten weaker and weaker that is because I've been feeding him poison just to end that old bastard's life and hand me crown to be emperor."

I look on the terrifying look on Ling. We both couldn't believe that Wen would do something so evil.

Tense in the air rises in the main hall while Wen laugh it out.

"Amazing, the look on your face was priceless."

"Your a monster!" Ling shrieked, his veins visible as his anger turned to heat of rage. "You killed your own father just for your greed of power."

"Exactly, I also had killed our other siblings as well just because they are in the way of my goal."

Ling eyes widened full of rage. He really wanted to kill Wen. I don't blame him because what he did was unforgivable.

So it wasn't Khan whole killed the royal family? Why would he lie and take the blame?

"Now, my dear baby brother you know I killed our siblings and your still alive, I have you in the palm of my hands while your bodyguard is ticked. I have you right where I wanted, I'm going to kill you," Wen said, a evil look on his face looked up at me. "And I'm going to kill you as well. I still haven't forgiven you for running away from my generous offer to be my concubines and as the law you shall be sentence to death. Guards!"

The Jin army all appeared out from each corner of my eyes. I took my stance while they had their swords out and arrows ready to air strike me if I take one step towards there majesty.

"Your making a big mistake, Wen," I said, not letting my eyes off Ling, who is useless without his sword. "Using the Jin army to kill innocent lives. If a word gets out the G.H.S. will know."

In my title I shouldn't go against the Grand High Society. The top informants with their elite soldiers. If a country is unstable with a incapable ruler then the country will be doom. I've heard of the G.H.S. once from my adopted parents how they told me that if I wasn't behave and listen to stay after dark the Elite soldiers will come and punish me. I'm surprise they haven't come for their visit while Ravena was in reign of her anger and greed for power I guess they think she wasn't much of a threat.

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