Chapter 17

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Ling and I hid behind the large bushes as it bristle. We crouch down peering over as we spot the beach. And Khan's ship.

"When did he get a ship?" Ling whispered. "Especially a large one."

"When your a notorious outlaw like him don't care in the world only money then you can get yourself a large ship."

"His is way larger than the Royal ships. What if we battle with his we are done for."

"Don't worry about that now," I whispered back. "We just have to find the hostages, save her and then go to Twin Dragons Peak, got it?"

"Got it." He paused then said, "hope they get here on time."


"Nothing," he perked and slowly moved forward to the beach. "Come on, let's go."

I stayed there until I followed him. Quietly to the ship. I didn't think I would find Khan's ship when smoke was coming out from its. Way to give it out like that. I swear Khan has some very low to the ground men aiding him.

The beach was cleared with no look outs as our boots hit the sands creating soft crunches. Approaching the large ship that looks too evil to encounter. Dark color surrounds the ship of charcoal and red. The ram is the shape of skeleton. Wait, I took a closer look at that battling ram it is a skeleton a full body all bones probably one from his victims. Khan is a sick man. His sails are all torn up and there are a few cracks on the ship looking like he brought it back to life under the deep blue sea.

I advice Ling to cling on my back as I retract my hands to scales and black claws and climb the ship. Peeking seeing no site of Khan or his men. I jump over to bring Ling down from my back.

"Is it just me or there is no one here," Ling asked.

"Just to be sure be extra cautious," I told him and he nodded as we decrease our weight of our boots checking every rooms of the ship.

Perk my nose up the air hoping for any scent on the ship and what I picked up was something isn't human. Not just one but there are more than one whom aren't normal.


I glance down to the wooden floor of the ship till I jerk up. "They are in the lower base of the ship."

Ling and I ran heading towards to the lower part of the ship. A large door with a lock on it was blocking the way. Shift my hands and broke the lock easily with my lizard hand. I opened the door and gasped so loudly I couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

"Jie, what are they?" Ling ask also astonished by this room filled with nonhuman beings.

"I don't know but it seemed they are being held as circus attraction." I walk slowly observing the creatures kept in this room of the ship. Why do Khan need these creatures? And their purpose?

There's a large animal with a head of a human face and a body of a large cat. He circled back and forth inside his cage wanting to get out. I could tell how hungry he was. Maybe he could be last to be out after I explore some more. Next to that human-cat like animal, was larger and giant white ape with large fangs sticking out from his mouth, and massive arms that can be very deadly if crushed by one. He sat silently in his cage as his white eyes follow me. We have apes like him but nothing huge like this fellow.
There were animals, a horse with wings and a horn on top of her head, two headed cobra snake, three headed dog, a small pixie, another large animal not making out if it's a wolf or a bear but it had its back facing us not revealing its face I didn't pressure further to look at it as I saw more exotic creatures I've never seen only some in stories but never true until now.

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