Chapter 33

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My mother.

She was rocking me to sleep. Her kind voice as she sing me to sleep. I have sleepless night sometimes but this one had me in a unbreakable dream. I felt I was there. Her harmonic melody, singing the small me in her arms, in a tiny home, the fireplace lit as the sounds of cackle and pops from the burnt wood I watch my mother walking around trying to make me sleep. Then the door opened and a man came inside and it's who I recognize.

"Master Wu?" I said out loud as if they heard me.

He smiled at my mother as if in love, she replied to him with the same expression. Master Wu approached her, held her close and showed the same affection on the small me. With love and protection.

Don't tell me Master Wu is my...real father?

All this time, while teaching me sword play and martial arts with those harsh training he was with me. No wonder, he was mysterious and had to meet him in the forest near the village in secrets. He has been my teacher since I remember crying in the forest after my adopted after father scold me for beating up a neighboring kids who was bullying the weak. Master Wu approached me with gentle eyes and has been kind to me ever since. He treated me better than my adopted father because he is my father. My real father.

I never knew.

I halt before taking a step to ask even though they couldn't see or hear me when another man enter, only older, with a long white mustache and beard, his hair topknot in a style you see like the officials of the court, he had same long hanfu clothing as Master Wu.

"Jun Kai?" said my father. Jun Kai? So, he's the Grand Master? Jun Kai immediately closed the door and the curtains of the window to hid the bright moon shinning through.

"Liu Lang, you must take Xirou and your child out of here," he spoke in frantic matter causing both my parents confuse.

Liu Lang? Where have I heard that before?

"Master, what is the matter?" asked my mother with her soft voice, held the small me in her arms.

"It's Khan." Both my parents gasped. "He knows the child and her powers. He will destroy this village if you don't take your child away from here."

"Khan," my father gritted his teeth and clinched his hands and his eyes were glowing gold, the same illuminating shine as actual gold.

"Lang Ge," my mother place her small hand on his arm hoping that would calm him down returning his eyes to normal. "We have to take Zi Wei away from here."

Zi Wei? Is that my birth name?

My father nodded, holding my mother close. "Jun Kai, you must protect Xirou and my child and will met in Twin Dragon Peak."

"No!" my mother exclaimed with a panic in her tone. "No, we must leave together. I don't want any of these people in the village to suffer because of me."

My father with his kind and gentle look upon my mother, cup her face with his hand showering with his love on her. "I know I'm not human, but you showed me what true love is. Of course, I love my first wife and children, but that will never leave you and our daughter unloved. I love you with all my heart, Xirou, you must protect our child. She has to make sure she doesn't cry only to summon the Great Dragon God, Seriyu. Understand?"

My mother were in tears, but never cried out only to nod her head. Then my father kissed the top of head before facing the Grand Master. "You must protect her and the child."

"Don't worry," he promised.

I watch my father give one last kiss on my mother before heading out. I ran to the window to see him in a larger size gold dragon bigger than Mu Yan and Yao Shi, soaring in the night sky to look for Khan.

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