Chapter 35

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Seeing my mother lie dead on the ground. Khan grunted so fierce he charge him way down the river heading to where my infant self drift.

I started to pace but was caught up in the moment where my father finally showed up next to my mother.


He cried out, dropping his sword. He had gold armor on, the ends of his arrows were sticking out from his back but it never cause harm on him. He crouched down and lift my mother to his chest.

"Xirou! Xirou!" he called my mother in a hectic cry.

My mother who was having a rough time catching air, she left her hand to my father's face and cup it gently, he cover his large hand over hers as tears fall down from his almond eyes.

"Lang Ge," she heaved then coughed from choking the blood inside her throat. "Zi Wei...she..."

"Don't worry, Jun Kai is looking for her."

She smiled weakly, "I...I wanted you to know...I love you...even if I'm not your first wife."

"You and Rong'er are treated as my wives in equals I can never neglect any of you," he said with passion for both of his wives.

She coughed and smiled again. Her face turning pale even with this chaotic storm. "I..." she swallowed trying to speak without hurting herself more. "I want you to do what you promise me."

"What?" my father exclaimed, and started shaking his head. "No! I will not do that-"

"Please, you can not heal me and it's the only way to control our daughter's power." she stated. " I wasn't supposed to fall in love with a immortal and I broke the rules which cause me to lose my priestess powers but I've kept some of its power in the Gold Pearl you had given me." with her free hand slowly pulled out the small gold pearl under her hanfu. "Take our daughter's power and seal it within and then with Rong jie power and yours combine my body with the pearl to create a weapon that takes life and gives life and will protect our daughter once she reach of age knowing what the sword contains."

"Xirou, I can't do that. I can't" He refuses but my mother only gave him one look to plead him.

"Please, my love, it's the only way no one can greed the power of the Dragon God."

The sounds of continuous roaring and thundering sounds as the wind blew hard. I looked up at the sky to see multiples of twirling clouds and dragons surrounding the kingdom.


I looked back at the couple. My mother once again smile so weakly looking up the eyes of the man she fell in love with him despite his position as an immortal being. "I will always love you."

"As do I," my father said in his gentle voice and with that my mother's hand which was cup on his handsome face dropped down and her eyes were shut closed. "Xirou!"

My father screamed at the top of his lungs, holding my mother's now dead and cold body. I felt my heart pierce from witnessing this drastic event between my real parents. Tears were falling down. My mother sacrificed her life to save mine. She loved my father even though he isn't human and is willing to die peacefully with the love he has for her.

Then a dark silver dragon appeared from the sky then shift to a tall beautiful woman. "My king, where is Xirou?"

My father crying silently, with his back facing the woman. "She is...dead."

"What?" The woman crouched in front of my parents and a sad expression fell upon her face. "How can this be?"

"She stab herself to save our daughter," he looked up at the woman. "My Queen, she asked of us to perform the merging ritual."

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