Wednesday's Been Cancelled (Welcome To Night Vale crossover)

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Sam had insisted they check out this mystery spot. Dean had thought it stupid. Nevertheless, he agreed because, well, it was in Florida. 

It’s always warm in Florida, he reasoned with himself. He’d also been hoping that, despite it being winter, it’d be warm enough in Florida to see girls in bikinis. He was sorely disappointed.

“Dude, you know this is just some tourist trap, right?” Dean asked as they walked down the street after breakfast.

“Look, it’s worth checking out. Sometimes these things actually can change the laws of physics. Obviously not on their own, but witches have been known to hex them.” Sam looked utterly convinced by his own words, so Dean sighed and went along with it.

The place was, and always will be, a tourist trap.

“I told you!” Dean mocked, reminiscent of a 6 year old child. “It’s just bullshit!”

“Fine! Fine! You were right! But the owner looked kind of sketchy. Maybe we should come back tonight,” Sam argued. “You never know; maybe we’ll stumble onto a real case while we’re here.” Dean groaned but agreed. When they returned that night, they were as careful as ever. That is, until Dean accidentally knocked over a lamp. Sam glared at him and ran a hand over his face, much like Dean usually does.

“Who’s there?!” the owner called, jumping out of nowhere and brandishing a rifle. “What are you two doing here?”

“Sir, if you could kindly put the gun down...” Sam started, trying to wrestle it out of the owner’s hands before the owner accidentally pulled the trigger. Sam froze.

“Dammit, that hurt!” Dean yelled, his voice sounding strained. There was a thud, and Sam rushed over to Dean, who had keeled over on the floor.

“No, no, no, no, no!” Sam cried. “Don’t do this Dean!” Sam started to cry, and was frantically trying to stifle the blood and get his brother breathing again. Alas, Dean didn’t make it.


It was the heeeaatt of the moment!” Sam woke up to the Asia classic, confused and rubbing his head.

“Rise and shine, Sammy!” Dean laughed. Sam scrunched his eyebrows together.

“Wha-? How? But you-” Sam stuttered. Dean misunderstood him.

“Oh, you know you love Asia!” Dean started to dance and sing along. Sam followed him into the bathroom. There, Dean gurgled his mouthwash the same way he had the day before.

Then, at the diner, it got weirder.

“Look, Sammy! Pig ‘n a poke!” Dean exclaimed, smiling brightly at Sam.

“Do you even know what that is?”

“Nope!” The waitress came over and took their orders. Sam opted out of a meal, asking only for coffee. When the waitress brought the food, the tabasco sauce on the tray tipped off, but Sam caught it and put it on the table.

“Thanks, sweetie,” the waitress, Doris, breathed.

“Lucky catch, I guess,” Sam replied. After she walked away, Dean looked at him.

“Dude, it’s like you knew it was gonna fall.” Dean stuffed more food in his mouth as he said it.

“That’s because I did! It’s like I’m living yesterday all over again!” Sam whispered. “I woke up this morning right after you died!”

“That’s ridiculous. I didn’t die yesterday. I’m right here.”

“Well, see, that’s the problem. Because you die today. But you died yesterday, which was today.” Dean cocked his head in confusion and Sam rubbed his temples. His brain hurt.

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