Things That Go Hump in the Night (Destiel)

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Okay, I thought I'd alert my fellow Starkids that there is an AVPM joke in here. Just look for it. ;) Thanks for reading, loves! MWAH!!! xx

Dean sighed as he entered the unassuming bed and breakfast. He hated working jobs in places like this; B and Bs made them seem gay. Sam enjoyed places like this. Sam was such a girl at times.

Sam’s face lit up at the sight of the old house. He loved the history of the houses. The back stories were so intriguing, and it made the ghost hunting more interesting.

The two brothers walked in the front door, Sam trailing behind his older brother. It was quite the sight to see, really. Sam was noticeably taller than Dean, and they didn’t look much alike. Sam’s hair was dark and shaggy, while Dean kept his lighter, almost blonde hair short and manageable. Dean swaggered ahead in his leather jacket, hoping for a hot girl at the counter, only to be disappointed by an old man. Sam chuckled a bit as he saw Dean’s face fall.

“Do you have any vacancies?” Dean asked in his gruff voice, trying to be as polite as possible and not let his agitation show through.

“Let me check,” the man answered politely. The man scrolled through a list on his computer, and Sam looked at his name tag. His voice was falsely polite as he answered. “Oh, yes, boys! I’ve got several!”

“Great!” Sam exclaimed, a little overly excited. The man gave the brothers a weird look before answering.

“So, um, I’ve got a suite with a king-sized bed...” the man started.

“Oh no! No, we’d like separate beds, if that’ll work... Albert.” Sam stumbled over his name as he tried to read the name tag.

“Oh okay, I see. Having an argument, are we?” Albert chuckled a bit. Gays are so finicky at times, he thought to himself.

“What?” Dean asked suddenly, as if pulled out of a trance. “Wait! Do you think we’re-” He stopped short, unable to process the thought. It was too weird to him. Gay, he could understand. But for his brother? That was a little too far.

“Think you’re what?” Albert seemed shocked.

“We’re brothers,” Sam blurted out suddenly. Albert’s face went expressionless, before a disgusted grimace appeared. “We’re not... not...” Sam frantically tried to correct the man’s misunderstanding, but couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“We’re not, like, a couple...” Dean said slowly, gauging Albert’s reaction. Albert raised an eyebrow. “If it makes you feel any better, my brother has a girlfriend.” Albert breathed a sigh of relief. He wouldn’t have dastardly things like that inhabiting his hotel.

“I am so sorry, boys. I guess I didn’t expect this. We do have a room with two separate beds. Let me get that set up for you. What name is this room under?”

“Um, Johnny Package...” Dean said, clearing his throat and handing over the fake credit card. Albert swiped the card and handed it back.

“Here you go,” he said, sliding the room keys across the counter towards the Winchesters. “Have a nice stay,” Albert added awkwardly as they walked away.

“Really? Johnny Package?” Sam asked as they climbed the stairs. He was grinning wildly, trying to keep from laughing. “What kind of fake name is that?”

“A good one, alright?” Dean snapped.

“What makes you think that’s a good name?” questioned Sam.

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