For You (Destiel)

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Jamie gripped the glass in her hand as she saw three men walk through the door. She grimaced; she knew everyone in the small, desolate town. But these were strangers, and Jamie was wary. Two of the men, the tall one and the with the trench coat, went to sit down. The shorter one approached the bar.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted.

“Don’t call me sweetheart,” Jamie replied sternly.

“Woah, woah. Calm down. I just wanna order a drink.” The stranger put his hands up defensively. “The name’s Dean, by the way.” Jamie continued to glare at Dean. “Can I just get three beers?”

“Sure,” Jamie consented. She got three beers out of the cooler and popped the lids off. She handed them to Dean, and he swaggered off to his friends.

“Took you long enough,” the tall one commented under his breath as Dean placed the drinks on the table in front of them. The man with the trench coat chuckled lightly. He enjoyed watching the two brothers argue.

“Shut up, Sam,” Dean shot back. “Blondie up there wasn’t taking the charm.” Dean winked flirtatiously at the man in the trench coat, joking with him about a secret they had. He didn’t know that the man’s heart fluttered at the sight.

“Well... Your charm certainly works on Castiel,” Sam said. Sam wasn’t surprised; he had suspected that Cas, as they liked to call him, was attracted to Dean. And everyone knows that Sam had been questioning Dean’s sexuality for a while.

“Oh, I know,” Dean said with a sly smile. Cas’s face burned bright red.

“Boys, what’s our plan?” Cas asked, trying to get back to their task. “I don’t know when I’m gonna be called up, so we need to get going.”

“Calm down, Angel Boy,” Sam said. “I’ve been researching during the whole car ride.” (Castiel was an angel.) “It seems like there have been a chain of seemingly unrelated deaths.”

“So are they related?” Dean asked, his voice a little gruffer than usual. Cas’s knee had brushed his thigh, and Dean became a little uncomfortable. The place on his thigh burned from the small contact. Dean liked the touch, but Cas couldn’t know that.

“Of course they are,” Sam said sassily. He brushed his long hair back.

“Alright, Princess Sam, get to the point,” Dean joked. His voice had returned to normal, and he smiled cheekily after earning a hardy laugh from Cas. Their faces grew serious when they saw the look on Sam’s face.

“Guys, this is serious. Four people in this small town have hung themselves over the past five years,” Sam started.

“And...?” Dean asked cockily. Cas sighed, exasperated. Dean was so hardheaded and impatient. Cas loved that about him, of course, but he wished that Dean would let his brother finish a sentence. Dean had been doing that a lot lately.

“And all of them left letters.” He glared at Dean, challenging him to interrupt. “All of the letters said almost the same thing. This isn’t our usual, but what I’ve found, the victims talked about having sex with their husband, wife, boyfriend, etc. right before they hung themselves. The weird thing is, the police disregarded these letters because the wife of the latest victim said that she had been on a business trip when her husband died.”

“Okay... Now this is getting to be more of our kind of stuff,” Dean consented with a nod before taking a swig of his drink. He caught Cas watching him out of the corner of his eye. He was flattered and struggled to keep his cool.

“I think we oughta go talk to her tomorrow. Her name is Marty Higgins. I’ve got an address right here,” Sam showed where he had written it down in their father’s journal. “Let’s go get a hotel.”

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