Part 3

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-Your POV-

"I don't understand! How am I supposed to move like that!" I yelled as I looked at the choreography.

"I know it'll take time but we'll get through it." Sasuke said putting his hand on my shoulder.



"What are we gonna do about the backup dancers? We need people, and lets just say that since I'm involved, no one would want to help." I said looking into his dark beautiful eyes, I could stare at them forever.

"We'll just hire dancers. Duh. Not too much thought into it."

"Oh. Your right. I wonder when this project is due-"

"By the way class, your classmate just asked a good question. This is due in three weeks." Kakashi sensei interrupted me.

"Three weeks?! How am I supposed to get the lyrics and the dance moves and the backup dancers done in three weeks?!" I said almost hyperventilating.

Sasuke sweatdropped and said, "you'll be fine don't worry. I'll be in charge of he backup dancers, and once I get them, we'll practice all together."

"How can you be so calm about this?" I asked him.

"I know we'll do good." He said shrugging.

-Time skip to end of school day-

"Hey (Name)!" Sasuke yelled running towards me.


"I got backup dancers!"

"Already!? We barely talked about this today and you already got people?!" I asked eyes wide open.

"Yep! We'll start practicing tomorrow! I already asked and got permission to go to the dance room during class to practice." He said calmly.

"Oh, alright. Well then, see you tomorrow!" I said starting to walk away. But Sasuke grabbed my wrist stopping me from any further movement. "Yes Sasuke?"

"I'll walk you home."

"I don't need you to walk me home, I'm very capable of walking alone." I said, in a friendly tone.

"I'm well aware that you are capable of doing so. But your already comfortable with me so I figured I'd do so by walking you home." He said staring to walk.

"Comfortable with you?" I asked.

"Yes. This morning you hardly said anything. Now we're friends and you've been talking this whole time."

"H-hey! You've just been my first friend and have been very polite to-!"

"Your first friend?" Sasuke asked interrupting me.

"Well, yea.. I never really had anyone like you in my life." I said looking down, blushing from embarrassment.

"Well I'm happy to be your first friend." He said grabbing my hand. "Lets go."

-Next day with Sasuke-

"Wow. You weren't lying when you said you have dancers." I said staring at the strangers.

"Why would I lie?"

"I don't know." I said shrugging, "but how did you get them in?"

"Visitor passes. Plus it's for our project so they're allowed in."

"I see. Anyways! Lets start practicing!" I said. Sasuke eyed me and I noticed it. Why? I don't have a clue.

-Sasuke POV-

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