Part 2

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Thank you @TwoPedals7 for the nice comment you left on my first chapter, I appreciate it! :)

-Sasuke's POV-

We were walking to the nurses office to get (Name)'s wounds clean, but she's walking quicker than me and Naruto. She's clearly trying to avoid us, or at least me.

"(Name) can you slow down a bit?" Naruto asked. But we received no answer as we got to the nurses office.

"(Name) do you want us to wai-"

"You guys can go." (Name) interrupted me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.


"Alright." And with that we left. All I could say was that I'm mad. I'm very mad. How could Sakura do this to her? Is she really that crazy?

"Oi! Sasuke! Earth to Sasuke!"

"Oh sorry." I said as Naruto is shaking me from my shoulders. "Just in thought."


"(Name) and Sakura. How could Sakura do this to her?"

"Is she seriously in your mind that much? I mean, yea she got beat up and all, but has she been in your thoughts his whole time?" He asked looking at me.

"What do you expect? She's my friend."

"If I got hurt you'd laugh at me though." Naruto said looking ahead, making me chuckle.

"That's because your stupid and do stupid things."

"Wellll~ you got a point!"

"I know." I said as Sakura and her friend Ino approach us.

"Sasuke-kun!" She said as she ran towards me, but I immediately stop her. "Sasuke-kun?"

"What did (Name) ever do to you? Why are you this rude to her?"

"U-uh.. I uh. I have to go! Bye Sasuke-kun!" She said running off. Just then (Name) came along.

"You guys are still here? Class is about to start." She says not looking up.

"Uh yea, lets go." I say as we start walking.

-Time skip to class-

We were in English when Kakashi sensei spoke up.

"You will be in partners of your choice, and we will be doing a music video project."

"And what exactly does that mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well if you let me talk I'd explain. You will chose a partner and you will both chose a song of your choice. You can write a song or just take a song of your choice and make a video. The video can be of anything you chose. If you chose to record a sunset and put music then go for it. If you chose to record yourselves singing or dancing then go for it. Now I'll stop talking and you can all get down to business."

After he finished talking I immediately looked at (Name). As I was about to walk up to (Name) Sakura stepped in front of me with all of her friends.

"How about you and I be partners?!" Sakura asked excitedly.

"Sorry, I already have a partner." I said as (Name) looks up to me, looking a bit disappointed. "Now come on (Name), your my partner."

"O-oh! Okay..!" (Name) said as she looks up and starts blushing madly.

We then sat down in the back of the classroom. "Why'd you choose me?" (Name) said quietly.


"I asked why you chose me. Out of all he people in the class, you chose me."

"Well because, we're friends. Right?"

"Yea but, haven't you realized?" She asked looking at me with her beautiful (eye color) eyes.


"No one likes me. I'm just a nerd to them. I have this gigantic glasses and these unattractive braces, and everyone calls me a 'four eyed brace face', so why me?" She asked me. In all honesty, I was out of words. No person should have to feel that way, no one should be feeling left out. Yet the girl in front of me was feeling like the loneliest person ever.

"(Name), I'm sorry you feel that way, but it isn't true," I say hugging her. "Your a nice person and your appearance shouldn't matter. It's what's inside that matters."

After I said that (Name) started to tear up. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"N-no, it's just.. no one had ever said something so nice to me..!" She says hugging me even tighter.

"Alright (Name). I understand, but, I need to breathe." I say as she laughs and pulls away.

"Thank you Sasuke. Really."

"No problem, now lets get started. What song do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure. Do you have anything specific in mind?" She asked me, as I started to think.

"Hmm. Let me think."




"Any day now Sasuke." She said chuckling and looking at me. She looks beautiful when she smiles.

"Right sorry. I don't know. I'll just go on YouTube and search for songs there." I said pulling out my phone.

"Yea, me too." She said as she pulls out her phone from her backpack.

"I got it!" I yelled out.

"What song?"

"Now by Trouble Maker."

"Alright. What would we do for the video though?" She asked turning her head slightly to the side, looking super cute.

"I was thinking we could sing and dance to it."

"B-but, isn't it very touchy..?" She asked blushing.

"Y-yea. If you don't want to then it's-"

"No I do! I mean.. Yea we could do that song." She said blushing even more.

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