Chapter 4

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The rain came without warning, and seconds later the sky lit up. It was more lightning than Andrea had ever seen. Not a moment went by when a shock wasn't coursing through the clouds.

So mesmerized by the flashing lights, she didn't even process her father's words. "There is a lot of damage in Yarmol." Aldo said. Andrea nodded and looked back out the window.

"Papa, it is miserable out. We will start training tomorrow." Andrea said, hopping down from the windowsill.

"Only I decide when you will or will not train."

"But it's raining!"

"Oh, well." Aldo unhooked Andrea's jacket from the coat rack and held it out to her. She slid it on with a pout, and he did up the buttons for her. He opened the door, and before she had even taken a step out the door she was soaked. "First lesson: Know your surroundings. Come with me."

They walked down the hill to the town. Andrea stayed right beside him, not wanting to get lost. "This is the town square. Look around. What do you see?"

"I see lots of stores. And houses. And rain." She crossed her arms over her chest with a bratty flourish.

"Correct, but what kind of stores are there?"

"Well I think that one sells food, and that one looks like it sells clothing." She pointed to a building with outfits displayed in the windows. "And the store beside it looks like it"

"Not exactly. That is a bank."


"Today we will be going to the one you said looks like it sells clothing."

"Do they sell clothing?"

"A type of clothing, yes." Aldo began striding towards the building with Andrea trailing just behind.

It was a one-story building with two windows in the front showing off the designs. They all looked quite plain. Andrea wanted something with a design like the ones she sees all the warriors wearing.

Inside it was spacious. There were measuring tapes sprawled across the room, and mirrors covered most of the walls. All around them grey shirts and black pants hung on racks. Some had gold crests painted on the chest, and Andrea was just about to ask her father if she could have a design on hers, but they walked right past them.

"Papa these ones are all so boring! Can we not get one of those?" she asked, pointing to a shirt with a lion stitched into the front.

"Those are for when you are more advanced. For now you just need something that can take some damage. Nothing fancy, just everyday work clothes. As your training continues you will receive more advanced gear."

Andrea was not pleased.

"Aldo! What are you doing out and about? It is downright awful out there!" a woman called as she appeared from a back room.

"Trust me, Susanna, I know of the storm at hand, but it is my daughter's first day of training, and we are not going to let a storm get in our way." Aldo explained, placing his hand proudly on Andrea's shoulder.

Susanna looked at Andrea with shock, before shaking her head and plastering a smile back to her features. "O-oh, hey there! First day, huh?" she looked at Andrea, waiting for an answer, but Andrea was too shy to speak. "I remember my brother's first training day. It looked like fun. What is your name, sweetheart?"

"Andrea." she whispered.

"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl!" she then turn to Aldo, "So she needs gear, I reckon?" Aldo nodded. "Alright then, you come this way Andrea, and we can get you geared up." Susanna grabbed a few sizes, and showed Andrea to a changing room.

As she changed, Susanna spoke with Aldo. "Your surely cannot train a girl! What do you think the Nobles are going to say?"

"I am not quite sure what they will think, but I do know that she needs to be trained."

"People will call for your head!"

Aldo went silent, and Susanna left it at that.

Once Andrea had found an outfit that fit, Aldo bid farewell to Susanna, and they began walking home. As they exited the store, Aldo noticed Andrea fiddling with her clothing. "How do you like your new gear?"

"It's not decorated." Her face puffed out in a pout as she pulled at a loose thread on her sleeve. Aldo shook his head, making Andrea's stomach clench as she knew she was disappointing him. He told her he had errands to run,  and that she should begin to walk home. "Which way is home?"

Aldo shrugged. "That is what you must figure out. Part of knowing your surroundings is knowing how to get from place to place. Now, go home."

After several seconds passed she realized he wasn't kidding, and started to walk away in the wrong direction. She continued that way for about ten minutes before Roberto found her.

"Andrea, what are you doing here by yourself?"

"Papa said I need to know my surroundings, so he told me to walk home." She crossed her arms in anger.

"Well you went the wrong way, quite a bit too." He bent down to her height and pointed. "Your house is right up there on the hill, can you see it?"

"Yes I can! Grazie Uncle Roberto!

"You had better get home quickly." Andrea hugged Roberto and ran off.

She caught her breath before entering the house, but was still met with, "What took you so long to get home if you were running the whole way? Did you stop at a friend's house?" Aldo stifled a laugh.

"I went to Uncle Roberto's. I wanted to say hello." She held her head high.

"All the way out there? Are you sure you were not lost?" he continued as he tried to hold himself together.

Andrea sighed in defeat. "Maybe just a little lost..." She smirked at her father, and they both burst into laughter.

Once Aldo had composed himself he said, "Well, if you thought that was difficult, just wait for what comes next."

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