chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I felt like I had been dancing with Andy for ages, every time it was going well, us swishing around the room just a directed, Andy would step on my foot causing me to fall over, or something like that, one time he actually fell on top of me and we hit the floor, I smiled at Andy’s embarrassed face and got up.

“okay, this isn’t working, Isabelle, take Andy home with you tonight and please, just teach him to dance, we don’t have time for this” J said exasperated, I frowned, “homework” I muttered, I think Andy heard because he laughed and turned to me.

“hey, I’m sure teaching me to dance should only take an hour, right? Then I’ve got to go, there’s a party, hey do you want to come?” he asked me, I shook my head, no. I didn’t party, I didn’t go out, nothing, I just sat at home and watched TV, even though I was perfectly comfortable around others, I still preferred to be curled up on the couch, rather than surrounded by drunken people. Andy turned around, a hint of a smile playing at his lips, I knew he was going to try and drag me there, ugh.

“okay we’re going to move on now, okay we need the extra” he said, I did the scene, in which I was stolen away from Andy and locked in a room, I made myself cry at this bit, and when it was over I stood up laughing, wiping the fake tears from my face, it was hard to make myself cry, I had to think about my parents, they were both in homes, refused to see each other and barley spoke to me and Annie, I sighed, walking of to do the next scene.

I had to get slapped across the face in this scene, I swore, if I didn’t know Jeffrey, I would be thoroughly worried about this entire video, the extra was a big man in a suit, he looked quite scary and didn’t take his eyes of me, it creeped me out, when it came time to slap me, I had assumed he would act-slap me, I was wrong, he hit me hard and I fell to the ground, sobbing, I heard “cut” and then clapping, they thought I was acting, I stood up shakily looking the man directly in the eyes for a long second, until he backed down with a grimace and I walked over to J and Andy, the rest of the band had turned up to watch, I did the whole laughing and wiping away the tears act, but my cheek stung and the tears kept coming though I tried to stop them, I joked with Jake until the end of the day, we had to continue again tomorrow to do the dancing scene and then a few others, I went to my room and changed back into my trackies and shirt, I let my hair down and tied it up into a knot on my head, I turned and reached into my bag getting my phone, I looked up and saw the reflection of a man in the mirror, I stumbled backwards and he walked towards me, it was the extra from that scene, gees this guy was annoying, “listen, I don’t know what I’ve done to you, but I really need to go, sorry” I said trying to walk around him, I had my back to the wall opposite the mirror, I took a step and he grabbed my neck, I froze, he slammed me against the wall, letting me drop to the floor, he walked towards the mirror, I got up and walked up behind him, he turned around and I punched, he had moved left just as I punched and I my hand went straight into the mirror, the glass cracked and my hand exploded in pain, blood dripping of my fist, he stared at the blood, I took my chance and punched again, I hit his nose and he stumbled back into the mirror and collapsed, I looked at my hand and sighed “I do karate, dick head” I said walking out of the room, my head was spinning and my hand was covered in blood, “just find J” I told myself, most everyone had gone home now, I didn’t pass anyone in the corridor, I sighed as I rounded the corner and ran into the back of Ashley, he had been talking to J and the rest of the band, he turned and so did everyone else, they all looked at me shocked.

I held up my hand “you should really get better behaved actors” I said and I sat down on the floor, I was exhausted, my head spun, my neck was killing me and my hand was pure agony, everyone piled around me, I waited ten seconds then got up, pulling tissues out of my bag and wiping my hand, J had his arm around me, I laughed at their worried looks, “I’m fine, I cant say that about the oaf in my room though” I said smiling, the bleeding had stopped but my neck was still aching, I was used to this, I cleaned my hand enough to see two big cuts in my hand, I laughed, the boys looked at me like I was crazy, “what” I said “I’m in shock, I have every excuse to laugh”

“Are you okay?” Andy said, he was by far the most worried.

“Yeah” I replied, “I just need to get this cleaned up, hey weren’t you coming round to mine?” I asked, he nodded and I said goodnight, leaving the others behind me, ignoring there worries, I knew that if I just kept awake until later I’d be fine, Andy trailed behind me, I walked to the street, “have you got a car?” I asked “either that or we’re walking” Andy shook his head, I began to walk we talked about the day, he asked me what had happened and I explained, “you look awfully calm for someone who was just assaulted,” he said, I smiled, “I’m used to it” I said, “I don’t mean I get beat up daily” I chuckled at the look on his face “I used to have a boyfriend, showed his love in a, some what violent way” Andy said he was sorry, “for what, I didn’t care, I thought I loved him, anyway why’d you never learn to dance?”

“I never saw a need to, plus ballroom is boring” he moaned “why did you learn?”

“I always dreamed of being a famous princess, so logically, I insisted on learning to dance like one, I wore dressed and had tea parties, the whole 9 yards, then I grew up, got into my music and changed, I still love to dance though, just not in public” I smiled, I had loved my childhood, it was amazing, until my parents split. Things got bad after that, I got really depressed and stuff. I laughed to myself.

“You do that a lot” Andy said

“What?” I asked

“Laugh to yourself, as if there’s some private joke that the world could never understand”

“Hmm, I never noticed I did it that much”

“So, why were you laughing? Or would I not understand?” I laughed and then covered my mouth.

“I was thinking about my childhood…” I trailed off


“And how pathetic I am, I mean I will only ever see the world from my own perspective which kind of sucks, but my perspective doesn’t count for anything, perspective is shit!” I concluded as we rounded the corner onto my street.

“wow” he sighed “you’re not pathetic, you’re the only girl I know who could look beautiful in a dress and dance like a professional and knock a fully grown man out in one sitting” I laughed thank you, I said as I opened the door to my apartment, we walked up the stairs and I unlocked the door, we walked inside.

“Well here it is” I said

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