Happily Ever After

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The Royal Palace was magically restored to it's former spot and it's original gleaming glory, with it's shining white walls and it's sparkling golden rooftops.  The enslaved citizens were freed from their suffering, and the dark clouds evaporated to let the sun shine on the blessed land.

Wally looked around, secure in his triumph over Vertigo, when he heard a soft groan from not too far away.  He spun around to see the crippled, broken body of Red Arrow, still doubled over in pain.  "ROY!"  Wally and all the others ran to his side.  Kaldur turned him over, and they all gasped seeing the cuts, gashes and bruises all over his body.  Vertigo's blast had gotten him good.

Wally's green eyes were swimming with tears as he knelt next to Roy.  "Dude...why did you do that?  Why did you block Vertigo's blast?"  Roy coughed up some blood.  "Because...you're my friend.  No matter how mad you get at me, or I get at you...you're still my brother."

Wally shook his head, wiping his eyes.  "You saved my life.", he choked out.  "You literally took a magic bullet for me, after I've spent the last two years grilling you for getting between me and Artemis."  Said princess knelt next to Wally.  She looked at Roy and noticed him looking right at her.  "Artemis?"  She swallowed the lump forming in her throat.  "Yes?"  "I should've said this a long time ago.", Roy sighed.  "I'm sorry.  I was a jerk.  I should've never turned Wally against you, or put that tracking device on you."

Wally stopped crying to steal a glare at Roy.  "What?  You put a tracking chip on her?!  I didn't know that!"  He regained his senses.  "But...that's all water under the bridge now."  Artemis leaned over Roy.  "I'm sorry, too.  I shouldn't have sabotaged the mission in the first place.  I was just so afraid you'd never accept me if you knew the truth about my family."

Wally's eyes were overflowing as he looked down at Roy.  "I'm sorry, too, Roy.  You're the best friend a guy could ever ask for."  "A-hem!"  "No offense, Rob."  Roy shook his head weakly.  "Don't worry about me.  I'll be fine.  Because I know now, that all's forgiven.  You have to focus on you and Artemis."

Wally looked over at her.  "Artemis, I'm sorry I lied to you about who I was."  She shook his head, chuckling softly.  "I know.  I should have recognized you from day one."  Wally sighed as he took her hands.  "Artemis...you know I love you, right?"  She smiled and nodded.  "I love you, too."  He sucked in his lips and breathed out through his nose.  "But...as long as that law stands..."  "Oh, that stupid law!", she scoffed.  "This isn't fair!"

"Master?"  Wally turned around to see Wisp standing behind him, her arms folded out in front of her.  "You know, you still have one wish left.", she reminded him.  "Just say the word, and you're Prince William again."  Wally looked at her, then at Roy, whose breath was growing shorter and shorter.  Wally knew he didn't have much time left.

He looked at his beautiful princess in her glistening bluish-gray eyes.  "Artemis, I want to be with you so badly, but...I can't spend the rest of my life pretending to be someone I'm not."  She cast her eyes downwards, but she nodded in understanding.

Roy felt his eyelids grow heavier as Wally turned back to face the genie with a wistful expression on his freckled face.  "Wisp, I'm ready to make my third wish..."  Roy smiled one last time.  Godspeed, Wallman., he thought.  Its been a hell of a ride.  His heart finally content, Roy shut his eyes and waited for death to take him.

All of the sudden, he felt a great burst of energy explode in his heart and surge through every part of his body.  He gasped loudly as he sat up.  He looked at his body, and was stunned to find it was clean of all wounds.  He looked up at Wisp, who was sparkling and smiling.  "Wha...What just happened?"  "Wally.", she told him.  "He used his last wish to heal you."

Roy rose to his feet, gaping at Wally.  "Wh-Why did you do that?  What about you and Artemis?"  He shook his head.  "I've spent the past few days trying to be what everyone else wanted to be.  Well, its time I went back to being Wally, a hero, a doer...and a guy with a really awesome friend named Roy."  Usually stoic Roy felt his eyes water as he dove in to hug Wally.  "If its anything to you...you'll always be a prince to me."

"That red boy is right!"  All heads turned towards King Kamobye, who was standing taller.  "He's absolutely right! Who cares if he's not rich?"  He approached Wally.  "My boy, you've made me realize that a true prince isn't measured by his wealth or his charm or his privilege, but by his heart!  As far as I'm concerned, you've proven your worth by a thousandfold!"  "Papa, what are you saying?", Artemis asked.

Kamobye faced his daughter proudly.  "Well, am I the King, or am I the King?  A King made the ancient laws, and this King can change them if he wanted!"  He stood tall and dignified.  "From this day forward, any Royal Princess from here to eternity is free to marry whomsoever she herself deems worthy!"  Artemis gasped in delight.  "Oh, Papa!", she cried, throwing her arms around her father.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  He pulled her away and kissed her on the forehead.  "Do you have your choice, my darling?"

Artemis immediately ran towards Wally.  "I choose him!", she screamed, loud enough for the whole world to hear, as he took her in his arms and spun her around.  She locked eyes with him.  "I choose Wallace West." He beamed like the moon and chuckled slightly.  "Call me Wally."

"Well, my work here is done.", Wisp said.  "Its time for me to go back in the lamp."  "Wisp!  Wait!", Megan said.  "Stay with us!"  "Yeah, Wisp!  Stay with us!", Robin said.  "You could be apart of our gang, go on adventures together, it'll be great!  You could have a whole new life with us!"

"That is very kind of you.", Wisp said.  "But granting the wishes of others isn't just my sacred duty, its my life purpose.  The thing I love doing most in the whole universe."  "But...how long will it be until you get out that lamp again?", Raquel asked.  "Don't worry about me.", Wisp reassured her.  "When the time is right, someone else will find my lamp.  Someone with a good heart."

Wally reached out and gave her a final hug goodbye.  "Thanks for everything, Wisp.", he whispered in her ear.  "I'll never forget you."  "And I'll never forget you.", Wisp whispered back.  "So far, you were my favorite master yet."  She stepped backwards, standing strong and tall.  "Time to go."

At once, the lamp shook and rattled as it levitated high over everyone's heads.  A great gust of wind blew around, all directed towards the lamp as the currents grew stronger and stronger.  Wisp stole one final glance at the others as she waved at them.  "Goodbye."  And with those words spoken, she was caught in the winds as they transported her back into the copper lamp.

As soon as she was back inside, there was a great blast of light and the ear-bursting sound of an explosion.  When it all cleared, the lamp spun around in the air for a few moments before rocketing far, far away, leaving a trail of shimmery gold dust behind it, soaring farther and farther until it disappeared into the vast blue skies.

And so, the lamp flew away, to who knows where, it's purpose served for the time being.  It will be found again.  When it wants to be.

As for Wally and Artemis, they were married within the following week.  It was a splendid affair, with festivals and bazaars that lasted for a week solid.  Even though they were both royalty now, they agreed to not give up the fight.  He continued being Kid Flash, and she returned to being the hero Artemis.  Together, they built a new base in Timoria and gathered heroes from every corner of Africa, forming a new charter of the Team.  They saw all their friends very often.  And thanks to their start, many other heroes from other countries were inspired to form their own superhero teams, to fight crime around the world.

Wally and Artemis never gave up the fight for what was right, even after they were crowned King and Queen of Timoria when Kamobye grew too old.  Another change in Timorian tradition was that he gave her the driver's seat, giving her the powers and responsibilities usually held by the King.  With Wally supporting her, Artemis went on to become the first Queen Regent of Timoria, ruling the land justly, just like she knew her adoptive mother would, being remembered as one of the greatest monarchs in the history of the land.  Wally?  Well, he was happy to help her.

And so, everyone lived happily ever after.

The End

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