Vertigo Comes to Power

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As the servants put the finishing touches on his new royal ensemble, Wally came to a decision.  Wisp was right.  Lying to Artemis was wrong.  The only way they could ever be truly happy was if he knew that she liked him for him.  If he ever hoped to have a future with her, he needed to come clean to her.  He thanked the servants for their help and hurried down the hall to find her.
It was a bright, shiny day in Timoria as the citizens of the land, rich and poor, common and noble, gathered before the palace gates.  From high above, King Kamobye, cloaked in regal gold-and-purple robes, a band of gold encircling his forehead, stood on the balcony to address his people.

"My loyal subjects, I bring forth wonderful news!", he announced.  His voice was so naturally loud and booming, he barely had to raise it.  "My daughter, the Royal Princess, has at long last selected a husband!" A great cheer rose up from the audience alone. "A fine upstanding young man, a prince, with wealth, with dignity, and, most importantly, with character!" Another cheer.

Waiting in the wings behind him, Artemis peeked through the heavy royal blue velvet curtains. She was dressed in a beautiful Arabian-styled gown, crafted of only the finest lilac-colored Indian silk, her sleeves flowing like gentle breezes, her skirt falling to the floor and making soft swishing noises whenever she moved. Her hair was elaborately braided with satin ribbons and purple flowers woven through her golden locks.

"Artemis!"  She looked to see Prince William ascending the steps quickly.  "William!  Where have you been?", she cried, running towards him.  "The whole kingdom's come here for Father's announcement!"  Wally heaved a giant breath.  "Artemis, there's something that I need to tell you..."  "You can tell me later!", she said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him up the steps.  "You're on!"  "Wait—but—Artemis—I—"

"People of Timoria, may I present, your future King, Prince William!"  Before Wally could stop her, Artemis pushed him through the velvet curtains and onto the balcony, where he was met with a roar from the crowds below.  The masses jumped and waved ecstatically to see their soon-to-be ruler.  Wally sheepishly waved to the audiences.  "Heh, heh...ho, boy."

From a tower window, hidden in the shadows, unseen by the rest, Vertigo watched the kingdom greet the phony prince, his eyes narrowed and his mouth pursed into a pout.  At his side, Sportsmaster leaned over, angry at the spectacle before them.  "Look at 'em!", he spat.  "Just look at 'em!  Cheering on that little twerp like he's a sports champ or somethin'!  Makes me sick!"  "Let them cheer.", Vertigo told him.  "We'll see if they have anything to cheer about in a few moments."

Just then, Klaricon burst into the tower room, Teekel the cat draped over hus shoulders.  In his hand, he held up the lamp, stolen from Wally, for all to see.  "I got it!"  Teekel hissed at his master.  "Okay, we got it."  Vertigo grinned from ear to ear as he took the lamp in his own hands.  "Excellent.  And now, for the moment I've been working for!"  He rubbed his fingers furiously against the lamp's rusted surface.

Immediately, blue mist swirled out of the snout and formed a cloud.  When the cloud cleared, there was Wisp, her eyes shut and her arms folded over her chest.  "Well, its about time!  I guess this means you're finally ready to accept responsibility for your actions and be honest to Artemis—"  She opened her eyes.  "'re not Wally."

"That's right, my dear.", Vertigo said, evil delight dripping from his voice.  "I'm your new master, and you are now my slave!"  Wisp's heart sank.  "Oh, no."  She twiddled her thumbs.  "I don't suppose you already have your first wish in you?"  "Indeed, I do!", Vertigo exclaimed, loving every moment of this.  "I wish to rule on high, as King of Timoria!"  Wisp sighed with a heavy heart as she folded her arms out in front of her.  "As you wish."

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