Wish Come True

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"Vertigo, this is an outrage!"  Kamobye's voice boomed throughout the palace halls.  He sat on his golden throne, his fists lying upon the armrests, his dark face taking on a hint of red.  To say that he was upset was an understatement.  Vizier Vertigo had placed himself before the King, bent on one knee to show his respect to his ruler.  Princess Artemis stood at his right, her arms folded over her chest, her head and gaze turned away from the her father's advisor.

"Because of your misguided actions, innocent people were wrongly accused and executed!", Kamobye yelled.  "This is an act of high treason against the law, and if not for all your years of loyal service towards myself and the crown, I would have you stripped of your titles and privileges and banished from Timoria!"  Vertigo bowed his head low.  "My deepest apologies, Your Majesty.", he said.  "I assure you, it shan't happen again."

Kamobye stepped down from his throne and took his daughter's hand.  "Now, now...let's put this all behind us.  I know what happened was terrible, but Vertigo is my chief advisor.  He helps me ease the burdens of my throne, assists me in the most important decisions.  I cannot let the kingdom suffer because of one mistake."

Vertigo took her hand from the King.  "I do so humbly beg your forgiveness, my dearest Princess.  You must find it in your heart to put this little misunderstanding behind us.  After all, one day, I shall help you run this land as I have helped your dear father."  Artemis yanked her hand away.  "I can assure you, you won't."  She looked him dead in the eye, anger taking over her features.  "At least some good will come out of me being forced to marry.  When I am Queen, I will have the power to get rid of you!"  And with that, she stormed out of the throne room, her father running after her.
"I will have the power to get rid of you!", Queen Bee said in a mocking tone.  She was gathered in the Shadows HQ with Vertigo, Sportsmaster and all the other villains.  "Ugh!  That snotty little twit!", Sportsmaster growled.  "She is so full of herself!"  Vertigo scowled.  "Full of herself, perhaps.", he murmured.  "But she's right!"

"She can't put off her arranged marriage forever!  And now that she thinks I murdered her friends, she has a reason to go through with it!"  He clutched his hands to both sides of his head.  "And once she's tied the knot, her place in the line of succession will be sealed for good.  Then once she's crowned Queen, she'll be able to do whatever she wants with me!  She'll throw me in the dungeon!  Or banish me to the deserts!"  He gulped, one hand reaching down to grasp his throat.  "Who knows?  She may even have me...beheaded."

He collapsed on a bench, wallowing in sorrow.  "All the kissing up in the world will do me no good, once that stubborn little witch finds herself a chump husband!"  Only Klaricon's face became intriqued, then brightened with evil delight.  "Wait a minute...what if you were that chump husband?"  Vertigo shot his head up, fury taking over his features.  "What?!"

Klaricon hurried over.  "Stay with me on this..."  He pointed to Vertigo.  "You use your power and position, to convince King Daddy to give you his little brat."  Vertigo quirked one eyebrow.  "Give her to me?"  "You marry the Princess.", Klaricon explained.  "When the papers are filled out and its all legal, you will be the rightful heir to the throne."  A slow smile crept onto Vertigo's face as he rose to his feet.  "Marry the Princess...become the rightful heir...this plan has...possibilities.  Except...I'm not so keen on the idea of spending the rest of my life with that shrew of a princess."

"Oh, but you haven't even heard the best part!", Klaricon went on.  "A few months after the wedding, Papa-in-law and your blushing bride have a little "accident".  Then you ascend the throne and inherit the kingdom, with all of it's perks.  And once you're in control, we'll have the wealth and power to back up our master plans of world domination!"

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