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i'll be there in a minute. do you want me to bring you chinese?

my eyes scroll swiftly over a recently recieved text message from no one else than lauren, making my heart skip a beat inside my chest.

i press my lips into a thin line and move my fingers across the keyboard, attempting to reply as quickly as possible, while he's still in shower. that's the thing about lying to lauren -- in order to be successful, i have to make sure he doesn't see it. i can't let myself do anything i'd regret later.

sure, you can bring the usual. i'll be probably a little la—

my fingers freeze above the screen of my phone when his strong arms engulf me from behind, his lips dropping to the tender skin on my neck.

"god, i missed you, baby." he murmurs against my skin and i take in a slow but deep breath, hoping he won't notice the way my body stiffens every time he's around.

"you were gone only for a few minutes." i try to tell him softly, though my body says something completely else.

"that's definitely not how it felt to me." he brushes his lips against my jaw, almost making me lean into him, forgetting everything completely.

his lips move in the direction of my neck but he manages to stop them just in time to nibble on my earlobe. "you better be ordering pizza. i'm starving."

he says sharply, his eyes focusing on the phone tightly clutched in my hands and i flick my gaze down, feeling the relief wash over me when i see the screen is dark.

i know exactly what his reaction would be if he saw lauren's message and i really don't need to be the witness of that.

"actually," i unwrap his arms from around me and take step forward without turning to look back at him, "marissa just texted me she needs my help for the assignment we have turn in due tomorrow."

i've never considered myself to be a skilled liar but having to deal with him certainly bettered me. i can almost call myself an expert in the art of lying now.

a smug smirk plasters across his face and he rolls his eyes with amusement. "fuck, what a mishap." he runs his hand through his tangled wet hair. "my favorite student is running away from me in order to help her classmate to work on the task i assigned. the irony is splitting, don't you think?"

every cell in my body wants me to shake my head in protest but i know all too well it's better to not piss him of unnecessarily.

"yeah." i breathe out silently. "it is."

his eyes slide down my body, stopping at my red lacey bra. he licks his lips slowly and takes a step forward, his intentions clear as the day on his face.

"i have to go." i manage to scramble around him, picking my favorite gray knitted sweater from ground before pulling it over my head. "i still have a shit load of studying to finish before tomorrow."

a second later, he's back in my tracks, placing his hand around my waist possesively as i try to wriggle myself into my skinny jeans.

"you and your obsession with good grades."

his voice is back to his usual annoyed tone once again, reminding me why i shouldn't even be here in the first place.

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