First thunder gate Part 46

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Elaine: Dudes, we should be getting going, it's almost 12pm and tomorrow, we're going to the Thunder palace which has TWO GATES!

Éclair: she's right, let's go.

----After a long drive----

---2 am---

--Some of them already sleeping—

-In front of Cloudy puff tavern-

Elaine: damn...................

Éclair: Let's go to bed.

Lisa: at what time do we have to wake up?

Ecryn: please don't tell me that it's early.

Éclair: we'll get going at twelve.

The rest of the crew: ..............................................................................................HEIN?!?!?!?!?

Éclair: Yeah.

Sakon: why?

Éclair: it doesn't really matter at what time we go. The thunder palace is always dark, and since we're going for the Jade Dragon Seal first, time really has no importance.

Flame: good. Let's go to bed...

Sky: Yeah!

Elaine: Exhaustion................

Ecryn: I'm that too...........

<They all went to their rooms. Lisa extended her hand to Miketsukkami but he turned around and headed inside. She stared at the ground and gritted her teeth. She tried to stop the tears from flowing down her eyes but she failed miserably.>

----The next day----


--In front of two loaded cars—

-With Éclair resting on the back of her orange car-

Sky: Yo!

Éclair: huh? You finally woke up?

Miketsukkami: IT'S 12PM!

Éclair: 12:59!

Miketsukkami: oh..............

Éclair: Idiot.

<Miketsukkami pouted.>

Éclair: Get in.

<They all went in the cars the same way they went in when they went to Arcadia Mekmo.>

----2 hours later----

Éclair: We're here.

Sky: The Thunder palace has always been close to the Air palace huh?

Éclair: Yeah, and I went full speed.

Elaine: cool!

Lisa: It feels so weird being back here.

Miketsukkami: tell me about it!

<They both exchanged looks, then averted each other's gazes.>

Ecryn: Whoa!

Bunshichi: what is it??

Ecryn: is that where you live????

Yuima: what?

Ecryn: I'm talking to Éclair.

Éclair: uh? Oh yeah.

Éclair: uh? Oh yeah

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