Our phones Part 33

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Miketsukkami: why?

Sky: ....................seriously?

Lisa, Miketsukkami: what?

Sky, Sakon: did you guys forget that she can't eat!?!?!?

All of them except Sky, Sakon, and Éclair: .........................................Oohhh!

<Éclair, Sky and Sakon hit themselves in the face.>

Éclair: my birthday is like its nonexistent, I don't want a birthday party, nor am I looking forward to presents!

Ecryn: then what do you do on your birthday?

Elaine: do you go shopping?

Flame: do you go to an amusement park?

Bunshichi: do you hang out with your friends?

Yato: Do you go shark hunting?

Yuima: do you go roller skating?

Lisa: do you go mountain climbing?

Miketsukkami: do you go for target practice?

Sky: those are a lot...

Sakon: we already know what she does so, no reason to act as if we don't.

The girls: huh?

Éclair: I stay in a secluded, secure, place all to myself, and meditate.

The boys except Sakon: ..........................................

The girls except Sky: ...............................................

Éclair: what?

All of them except Sky and Sakon: What the hell is wrong with you?

Éclair: even my mother tried to get me to do different things, but I never went, and nothing's gonna change that! I have my reasons! And before you ask, no way in Michigavan am I gonna tell you!

Elaine: Michigavan?

Lisa: It's this holy place in the thunder palace...

Miketsukkami: Hold on, there's a holy place named Michigavan in the Thunder Palace??? Since WHEN?????

<Lisa and Éclair gave each other shocked looks, and then later on just gave Miketsukkami annoyed looks.>

Lisa, Éclair: seriously?

Miketsukkami: what? I only know of a place named Sullivan!

<Éclair and Lisa hit their faces.>

Éclair: Dumbass! That's in the Earth Kingdom!

Miketsukkami: Huh? Then it should be Erivan!

Lisa: Idiot! That's in the Air Kingdom!

Miketsukkami: Oh, then I guess I mixed it up with Lilivan!

Éclair: Asshole! That's in the Water Kingdom!

Miketsukkami: Then I am surely positive that it is Melichovan!

Lisa: Bastard! That's in the Fire Kingdom!!!

<Both girls were panting and waiting for him to say something completely stupid.>

Miketsukkami: oh, Then what is Michigavan?

Éclair, Lisa: ....................................................

<Both girls' mouths had gaped open and they were staring in all shock.>

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