The dead and the innocent part 1 (Pic of Aaliyah)

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I sped down the highway as fast as my car could go, half expecting to be pulled over by a cop.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. All I could think about was that my boss was going to kill me for this. Even though I'm one of his best workers, he still treats me just like all the others, and in this line of work, that wasn't a high standard. As I rounded the corner up ahead I saw my work, the building ablaze with lights of all different colours with the words Smokey Spirits standing out most of all. People were lining up outside. I wondered why it was so busy. As I got closer I could hear the booming music spewing out of the club.

I shoved the door of my car open and sprinted around the left hand side of the club and nearly smacked into Bob. In his late twenties, he visited the club a lot and lived across the street in a small cabin.

When I reached the back door, which opened into the cold hallway, I stopped to adjusted my skirt and grabbed my make-up out of my purse. I cursed under my breath for not remembering to bring a compact mirror. Hoping that I looked alright I started putting on my lipstick.

"Hey, Aali."

I jumped, my lipstick running down the side of my face. Great, I thought.

"God, Bob don't do that." I turned around and looked the man in the eye. He was about six feet tall, one of the few people that were taller than my five foot nine. He had mock green eyes - so vivid they seemed like contact lenses. His normally messy brown hair beautifully combed back, he obviously was trying to get another girl in the club.

"Sorry," his lips slightly curving, and his leaf green eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's not often your late."

"Thats why I'm hoping Mark won't fire me." I said, thinking that was very unlikely. I shuddered at the thought of him barging into my changing room no sooner than I could make it inside and firing me right there and then.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with you being late, it's only been fifteen minutes and you don't start for another ten." Bob said taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it.

I snorted, hearing the echoes of my mother's voice - 'so unladylike, Aaliyah!' - and rolled my eyes. "Yeah right this club is his lively hood."

"True, but I doubt that he would fire you. Anyway I have to go - bye Aali." He turned and walked around the corner into the main street going through the heart of Auckland.

I let out a long sigh and opened the door to the chilly hallway. As soon as I stepped inside a harsh wind filled with the scent of alcohol and smoke whipped my hair around my face. I walked as fast as I could to my room and got changed into my uniform. Looking at myself in the mirror with approval, I straightened the silk blue dress so short that if I bent over just a bit you could have seen my panties. It had a slit down the back that ran down to my tail bone and was covered with white lace. I slipped on my blue high heeled shoes and ran down the hall. In the smoky club, I wove unnoticed through the pressing crowd, jumped up onto the stage and started to dance.

An hour into the job I thought I was all clear with Mark, but it was to be false hope.

"Aaliyah, here - now!". Mark's gravel voice broke the mood of the club for a moment, then everyone resumed their duties and the roar of conversation started again as if nothing had happened. Alone in the crowded room, terror struck me. This was it.

My heart leapt into my throat and shifted into over drive, my legs turned to jelly and I had to use my pole for support. I slowly made my way over to Mark. He towered over me, his light hazel eyes a mix of fury and lust.

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