Chapter 10

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"Tell me things" Drake demanded as he grabbed one of my hands and placed it on top of his head so that I'd use my fingers to comb through his hair again.

I chuckled as I looked at him resting his face on my chest, we still hadn't moved from the bed and were tangled up in the sheets being afraid to move in case it shattered the harmony we'd managed to find.

"What things"? I asked him gently as my fingers skimmed through his dark hair.

"You things, I want to know about you".

I laughed hard "I never knew you had the capacity to be so sappy".

Drake's head snapped up to scowl at me. "I am not a sap".

"Then what's all this wanting to know about me stuff"?

"I don't know a lot about you".

"You know a lot about me, probably more than anybody else". In fact it's me that knows very little about him, but even now I'm apprehensive to push him for information that hadn't come forward with willingly.

He sighed and climbed on top of me while narrowing his eyes, playfully I think... well that's a first.

"Tell me things now".

"What do you want to know"? I laughed gently again.

"Well" he murmured lowering his face to my neck. "Why did you move to America"?

"You know why, University" I sighed contentedly while his lips peppered my neck with tiny kisses and both my hands slid down the perfectly smooth skin of his back and began to play at the small when they reached the line of his pyjama bottoms.

"You could've gone to University in England".

"I didn't want to".

"Why not"?

"Because I wanted to get away, I always have, I've never been a home bird – I've always wanted to travel, not to stay in one place too long –" I cut off when Drake's head snapped up to look at me with a mixture suspicion and dread.

"Is that supposed to mean something"?

"No, why"? It's too early to be confused.

"You're going to try and run again"? I couldn't decide how to feel when he asked me that, part of me wanted to be sympathetic with the hurt in his endless eyes but another part wanted to challange the possessive glint that we both knew would never let me go no regardless of whether it's what I wanted or not.

"No! Why would I"?

"You just said you didn't want to be in one place too long".

"It's different now, at least, I thought it was".

"It is, we are". He nodded seriously, leaning forward to gently press his nose against mine. "Aren't we"? My breath caught in my throat just from staring back into his eyes like this, it's insane but it doesn't stop me from wanting him, loving him even.

"Mmhmm, come here". He chuckled and kissed my lips hungrily for a minute and it was good until I started to yearn for something more that was making my breaths come in deeper, I pushed a little on his shoulders.

"What's wrong angel"?

"Bite me Drake". My voice was needy but I didn't give a damn as long as I could get what I needed, that closeness, knowing that I was sustaining him, that it was my blood running through his system.

"I'm not sure I should".

My eyebrows furrowed "Why not"?

"Because you need to eat something proper, get some nutrients back into you or you'll end up passing out on me or getting sick". Drake told me, all concerned and sweet, it was weird.

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