Chapter 1 : Days at the Office

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Ugh... I hate this fucking job, all I do is file paperwork, what was I thinking in getting my bachelor's in this shit? All I do is math and paper work, file that, stamp this, I'm SO SICK of it! I can't wait until this shift is over..this cubicle is so crappy, the fucking computer is from the fucking 90's and I'm not even allowed to redecorate my own working space. Because it's "unappropriate" for the work enviroment is what the boss told me. Fucking prick.

"Hey there Raymundooo! " a voice suddenly creeped up my ear. As annoyed as I was, I kept my composure, I turned and looked behind me.

"Ayee...........Danny......" I let out in a bored and frustrated tone.

"Ya heard? They're having a party at the refreshment room! It's quite a banger!" He swung his left arm to the opposite side like a stereotypical nerd would.

"Um, I think I'll just pass." I swiveled my creaky office chair back to my original work position, and proceeded to stamp and organize the finished paper work.

"Ahh don't be a pallywacker, c'mon Rayster, Raydomondo, Ray the Cray Ray-.."

"OKAY! I get it! I'll go!, Can you leave, so I can file these last papers and I'll meet you there?"

"...Well... Mr.UpsetPants fine, I'll be waiting for you." he tapped on his 10 dollar K-mart watch, and walked away. His attire was the usual tight dress pants and shirt, some boat shoes for comfort, and a 70's clear Aviator styled pair of glasses. Oh yeah, he was overdosing with "style".

When I finally packeted the last form, I got up and fixed my white long-sleeved dress shirt. I was wearing a bright blue tie, my pants were black, so were my shoes. I passes my hands all over my face, feeling a bit annoyed from the obliged compromise I had to attend to. My skin was nicely shaved. My haircut, well-groomed from what I could feel.

So I made my way down at the refreshment area, I heard 80's music bumping from outside of the gray monotone colored door. Great. I opened it, and a couple of co-workers cheered


What could be seen in this small room, was the usual coffee machine with the extras, on a kitchen cabinet set the covered one entire side of the wall. Of course, it was the boring as fuck color theme in room so the color of the appliances and surfaces, were either : gray, white or black.


I sat down on one of the cheap chairs they had out for people who wanted to sit and consume the food that they had out ( mind you, the variations were limited, you know, cheeses, and dips with chips that's all) or for those who didn't want to dance.

I was the percent that DID NOT want to dance. C'mon. 80's music in a refreshment area in 2012?

No seriously... c'mon.

The majority of the employees that worked for Foster Numbers Inc. were caucasian. The minority groups were made up of blacks, and the ONLY hispanic, me.

"C'mon man! Don't sit down! Join in the fun!." Danny shouted from across the room.

I swear this dude is the whitest man I've ever met. No offense to white people but just, some take it overboard. He's too nice, too naive, and too I don't know.. tacky. " Nah man I'm good."

" Aww c'mon Raysterboy you gots to join in! We're going to put something more heavy next!"

Heavy? What type of music is even talking about, I can't even believe I'm here sitting in the refreshment room when I could TOTALLY be somewhere else right now. The damn DMV seems a lot more thrilling and interesting then this fiasco. I then saw in the corner of my eye, Danny making his way over to the radio , changing the tracks to his CD mixtape of his favorites.

Then......hip hop starts to fill the room, not just ANY hip hop, but the particularly thugish kind. Lose my mind by DMX. How embarrassing could this even get? Just observing the setting made me sick. A large group of white upscale employees " trying to turn it up a bit" in a office party by awkwardly dancing to an aggressive hip hop song.


"Raydomondo come here mannn, Sally totally needs the other half to make a saandwiiich!" Danny shouted again. Can't he get the hint I'm simply working for this company soley for the pay? I'm pretty sure it isn't hard to see how I don't really like socializing with anyone here. Since most of them have the social life of a 10 year old.

"Nah dude, I'm not feeling too well. I'm heading home and calling it a day." with that I got up from my chair and directed myself to the door, until someone pulled me from behind. Great, who could THIS be?

I turned around and it was head executive. "Aww Ray honey, don't leave. We wont be able to enjoy the party together.." she ended her sentence with that dumb "seductive fail" smile.

" Uh, no thanks"

Danny then came to me " Yo Raysterboy wh-"

" DUDE. I'm leaving, that's it!" I practically almost dashed out the damn room. Returning to my cubicle I picked up my binder and work, then got to the elevator. As I went down each floor that would be dropped from kind reminded me how bland my life is. Nothing interesting ever happened at the office except for the usual relationship and job drama.

*Ding* the elevators door opened, letting me know I have arrived at the floor level. I walked past the receptionist who was this Asian lady. She didn't speak English too well, which always made me wonder.... How in the hell did she get the job? Shows me how high quality this agency really is, heh. Exiting , I got to my car, a crappy 2007 Hyundai Elantra, packed with a the factory Sleek Sucky Silver paintjob, 15 inch plastic alloy rims, a steering wheel, seats made by textile I can't identify, a radio , and an A/C. Oh yeah, that's the premium package right there.

Upon entering the car, I thought to myself. Maybe I'm a little too harsh on judging my life. I mean, there are people around the world WAY worst off then me. But,to tell the truth I rather hunt for my food then buy at the same damn store. At least I'll be amused for the thrill of killing and capturing my dinner.

I started the car, barely hearing that puny 4cylinder engine revving as I do and I pulled out of the business parking lot, driving to my humble condo.

On the drive home, I pass the usual megastores, gas stations, fast food restaurants, and other services. Ive been living here for 21 years, and not a damn thing changed, maybe some new local businesses open up, then closes, then open up but nothing significant ever happens.

As I got to a residential area filled with medium-class looking condominiums, fairly sized and spaced from each other, trees decorating the streets, and children run from here to yonder.


I must be attracted to trouble, because I simply hate living in a peaceful area. As ironic and weird it may seem , I hate living in boredom. I want some danger! Some spice for my life.

Throughout weeks and weeks, this routine kept taking its course. Work, home, work, home, work, home. On and on , over and over again. It's sickening.

Danny kept making those dumbass comments that just oozed with tackiness. Everyone else smiling , acting as if I was " one of them" Pfft. Please.

This was it. It always been like this since I started. I'm sure this is how it will always be. Routine, and one that will never undergo a shift. Bleh.

I wish for something different to happen in my life.

My MistressDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora