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The Way You Made Him Feel

As a professional singer, people will never understand the meaning of privacy

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As a professional singer, people will never understand the meaning of privacy. People who adored you and the music you create wants to know your every move. Who are you dating... do you cook... what are you wearing... etc. As your music career struck the marks, your privacy was pretty much over. On the contrary, you at least have one friend who understood the struggle of being famous... hence, he's quite famous himself. Michael has just finished debuting his Bad album. You, being a friend, wanted to congratulate him on his hard work... privately. What better way than to visit his luxurious home... Neverland.

The gates unlocked, letting your driver pass the security. Flowers sprung out with pure beauty. The child like music played in the background as you hopped out the car. There awaited Michael at the top of the steps. The gorgeous smile set upon his face as he is rather happy to see you. "Y/N... how are you?" he approached first. "Hey, Michael. So good to see you." you exclaimed, opening your arms for an embrace. His arms swaddled around your waist, bringing you close to his heat. Michael doesn't know that you have the hots for him. How you desired this moment. He suddenly released his grip, looking down at you.

"Did the paparazzi spotted you?"

"Surprisingly, no... guess they're on a lunch break." you shrugged, not caring if they actually did.

"Well, let's head inside before their break be over." Michael implied, creating a path for you to walk through. He followed, locking the door shut. He peeped through the window as if he's looking for something. "Um, Michael? What are you looking for?" "Crazy ass paparazzi or maniacal fans near my doorstep. I've seen it happen before... wasn't a pleasant sight to see." he explained, closing the curtains.

You giggled quietly, admiring his elegant home. "This house is absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you. I'm finally out of my parents' house. It's embarrassing to still live with your parents at age 28." he said, stepping towards you. "I mean.. you were having your house build at the time. So..." "Still.. I'm a grown man. On the other hand, it won't be the same not seeing Mother everyday. I do miss her." he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I bet you do. But, she knows that you're capable of handling things for yourself. Just show her that you can. Besides.. you can just call her."

"Yeah.. you're right about that."

"Plus... with this much space, you have to find that special someone one day." you chuckled, awkwardly. Michael glanced at you. "Y-yeah." was all he could say. You looked up at him, enjoying his sexy face. The jawline firm and strong.. yet the eyes warm and gentle. Both famous... both looking for love. But... are afraid of not finding it.

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