Chapter 30

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       "Kay I wish I knew about this book but I've never heard of such magic, not even I know of things this powerful. it's out of our hands." England sighed. I gripped both his arms and shook him slightly, "Arthur I believe in you, you can figure this out. if you want me to I can help , but we need to figure this out. lives might be in danger. we need to hide it from the others though, they can't know, it would put them in even more danger." I said, still holding his arms. He bit his lip hard, thinking. I saw a trail of blood drip down his lip. "Oh Arthur, your lips bleeding!" I sighed, taking my thumb and reaching forward to wipe it off. He jerked away, "W-what are you doing." He said hesitantly. "Hold still, I'm wiping the blood off." I said, leaning forward again to where I could reach his lip. I was leaning over top of him practically. I took my thumb and carefully wiped the blood away. "There. All better." I smiled. "Can I put my shirt back on now?" He asked. "Oh, I completely forgot! Sure." I said. He smirked, "Your going to have to move." He laughed. I looked down and saw how we were positioned, I was leaning over him to the point where he had to rest on his elbows. "Whoops!" I laughed awkwardly, sitting back up. He pulled his shirt on and buttoned it back up. "Hey, you two alright in there?" A voice said through the door. "Yeah!" I called back.

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