Chapter 1

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     "Kay! Sup!" America shouted, running over. I sighed, "Yes?" He stopped in front of me and grinned, shuffling my hair. "Hey!" I yelled angrily, shoving him away. He laughed, "Your too easy to mess with sis~"  I frowned at him and ran my fingers through my reddish brown hair to try and fix it. "As- I'm sorry, I was just teasing." He said, hugging me so tight it was hard to breathe. "Cut it out, your hugging is more annoying than England's cooking!" I said, which made him laugh. "What about my cooking?" England asked, popping his head in the living room. "Uhhh, nothin'! I was just saying how great it was!" I said quickly. England grinned, "Why thank you~" he said, rather proud, and then left the room again. America and I both sighed loudly in relief.

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