Chapter 10

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       After we had finished our hot chocolate we sat in the living room. I had a fluffy brown blanket around me, I shivered slightly. Prussia sat with his knees pulled to his chest, his arms hugging them close. We sat in the dark, except for the light the TV gave off. We were watching Nightmare On Elm Street. (my auto correct made it say Elmo xD) When Freddy Krueger's face appeared on the screen I squealed and pulled the blanket over my head, shivering. "Your just like your brother." Prussia laughed. I pulled the blanket down, "am not." I looked back at the screen in time to see a woman get murdered. I squealed again and put the blanket over my head again, shivering violently. I felt an arm wrap around my side and I was pressed against something warm. I pulled the blanket down slowly and saw that Prussia had moved. He was now sitting by me, one arm around me, and our side's touching. I sat tense for a moment before relaxing my muscles and getting comfortable.

        "Good morning!" an too familiar voice shouted, waking me from my peaceful sleep. I squinted sleepily at Sealand. Prussia raised his head slowly and blinked at Sealand. "You two must have slept pretty well!" Sealand said cheerfully. Prussia flopped his head back and groaned, "Let me sleeeeeep." I lifted my head and saw I was lying curled up on the couch beside Prussia, my head had been resting on his shoulder. I blushed slightly. I flicked Prussia's forehead. "Wake up idiot." I laughed. Sealand bounced around, rather annoying. England came in and saw Sealand, immediately glaring at him. They got into a loud argument and I finally got up, pulling Prussia off the couch with me.

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