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Widow - a woman who has lost her husband and has not remarried.

That seems a lot for my mom before she had given up on me and couldn't handle with it. I was later greeted with another death, and you already expect who'd it be.

It really didn't affect me much for some reason considering that she never cared about me or even talked to me after my dad passed.

This orphanage was more of a home to me than any other. It may have actually helped me out with not thinking about my other problems with the other kids here since I'm about to be the oldest here.

By "about to be the oldest", I mean that one of the kids is getting adopted today and makes me officially the oldest out of every other kid.

Good thing Corey finally left with his little cute self and little persuasion he always gave me.

I had been pretty bored, so I put on my little out that I had in my closet.

I left the orphanage with one of the Sister's sunglasses and some money and headed to the park.

Once I got there, I went by the little shop and checked for the Takis that they had with the little soda machine.

I grabbed a little bag and some other things and paid for it all before leaving the shop.

As soon as I stepped out of the shop, I got bumped into someone when I was looking over at my left.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." he said picking up my bag from the ground.

I helped myself up and took my bag and said "It's okay... I was lucky to not have these taken from me."

He laughed. "Well, sorry for doing that to you. I wasn't paying attention when I did that."

"Same, but I figure it's clear for both of us."

He smiled. He looked familiar, but I just shrugged it off and said: "I'd best be on my way."

I continued walking straight ahead until he called me.

I turned around and saw him. "Are you one of those kids from the orphanage?"

"Yeah... Why?" I said.

"Just wondering..." He had a smile on his face, and it was actually like he was going to come to the orphanage since he looked like a dad.

I smiled back and headed back my way to the orphanage.

That's when I gasped and almost forgot who it was.

Chris. Evans...

Oh, my, god...


I was in my bed secretly eating my Takis and not making much noise until I heard footsteps come by the door to have it open.

I stopped and pretended to sleep and rolled on my side to make it look real.

I saw a light come by me and flash quickly downwards and it must've been on my friend that was underneath me. Everyone room had to be shared with someone, that's the rule in this orphanage.

The footsteps left the room and closed the door, and I sat up a bit and continued eating my Takis before I heard a psst!

"Was that you?" I asked my friend.

"Yee," she said in her "language". "Hand me some, I'm craving for some!"

I gave her the bag and she took some before handing them back to me and said "Thanks, Carly!"

"No prob."

I continued eating the Takis before finishing them and putting them underneath my pillow and rested upwards having my imagination take off with a lot of things. One thing if particular was Chris Evans...

How in the world was I able to meet him in person with a little accident happening to me? It's like I was actually going to enjoy this moment and keep it in store for the rest of my life.

I eventually went to sleep and felt happy that I met Chris Evans... And having new pajamas to sleep in...

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