Chapter Three

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Lexi has never cried this much, really she can't remember the last time she cries this hard. She didn't care that she breakdown in front of them that she almost got on her knees and beg him not to kill Danny, she would have done anything to keep him safe.

    Lexi father always says never show weakness in front of people, wait until you are alone. Right now she doesn't care, all she wants to do is cry for the loss of him, it's the only thing what she can do.

    The mood is mostly tense in the car, no one has spoken. They have been driving for the last two hours. Sebastian gazed at her many times, keeping an eye on her, Shawn hasn't look once, he just been staring out of the window.

    She still remembers sinking into the seat as Shawn tight the leather, so the belt pushing against her chest trapping her to the seat, every time she struggles the leather digs into her.

    "We need to stop at the next garage," Sebastian said breaking the silence. "Lexi we won't be stopping again if you need to use the bathroom, now will be best."

    She couldn't understand him one minute he is fine then the next he is a killer, now he cares about her well-being. She wouldn't keep up with his mood, it like any little thing could put him in the mood of a killer again.

    Lexi didn't even knowledge him.

    After little more drive they arrived at their destination, Sebastian pulls into the garage which also has a small cafe next to it. None of them made a move to get out of the car.

    "Lexi do you need to go to the restroom?"

    Lexi ignores him, Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her before getting out of the car slamming the door. Shawn follow after him, walking towards the garage shop Sebastian went to fill up the car with petrol, but he made sure his body is against Lexi window.

    It didn't take them long for them to get back on the road. Lexi made no move to speak or escape from them, she just sitting there like all the emotion have drained from her. Just sitting they are watching the world go past.

    She didn't even care to keep track to see where they are going. Sebastian has been driving for hours, so it was pointless anyway.

    It was only another fifteen minutes; before Lexi would see a sign ahead, but it was too far away to read. Sebastian pulls over the side "Get in the back with her and keep her down," Sebastian orders in a thick voice. Shawn immediately undoes his seatbelt and crawl into the back seat, he did the same with her seat-belt, then right after Lexi body was slammed down. Half of her body laying on Shawn, with his handoff side of her head pushing it down to his knees. Sebastian started the car up.

    Twenty minutes later the car stop and she took this opportunity to crawl away from him. Lexi realises that she is park outside a club, which has a small forest behind it, it seems one of them clubs that you couldn't know it exists if you didn't know it was here. You can tell that it is a private one.

    Shawn and Sebastian both got out of the car, Sebastian immediately opens Lexi door and grab her upper arm, yanking her out of the car. Guiding her towards the club, which about ten feet away from his car. They reach the door he put her infant of him. Lexi watch as Sebastian put the key in the club before she realised what was going on she is sprinting towards the forest

    It only took a few second for both of the man's to catch up to her, closer enough to a hard body crashed into her, an arm circle her waist pulling Lexi into the push chest hard enough to knock both of them off their feet. Lexi's head landed on Sebastian's chest, along with her upper body.

    A loud moan of pain come from his mouth.

    No pain come from Lexi, but it didn't stop her for grasping for air from Sebastian tight grip. "Too tight," Lexi grasp trying to paw his arm off her. Sebastian let go her seeing Shawn leaning against a tree a few feet away from them.

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