Chapter One

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Lexi eyes half closed, she felt her heart beating a million miles a minute as she watches the scene play out in front of her. The room was full of darkness: the only flash of light was coming from Lexi ex-boyfriend sitting next to her.

No one come understand why they are still friends, they were close friends before they started dating, so why can't they try it again? Plus they didn't want to break up in the first place, Lexi parents made her. If it the only way Lexi could have him in her life then she is going to take it no better what it will cost her, in a good side Danny kind of felt the same for her but he thinks they will get back.

And Seriously If Lexi lost him as a boyfriend she doesn't want to lose him as a friend, that one thing they both can agree on. Lexi parents say that she is too young to be dating, that why they kept it a secret for so long but one day they have to come out and that was one of the biggest mistakes she made. It doesn't matter if she is seventeen her father always said 'you live in our house, you follow our rules.' Their not must else she can do when she is underage and she is in their house.

It took a lot of begging to her father and even her mother to let them stay friends, Lexi would never disobey her parents she might not agree with them but she loves them.

Lexi sigh, forcing herself back into the movie, it was Danny time to pick a movie, they always did it ever since they become friends. It started off something simple a school project about what the other person would like so they decided to do movie and food, one Friday Danny did it and the next Friday Lexi did it and after they finished their project it just keeps going like that.

Lexi wasn't 100% sure what was wrong with her, she loves horror movie it is one of her favourite genres to watch, more horror the better for her, for some reason her body wasn't up for it today. All she had been doing is looking over her shoulder since she left her house, and stay as close Danny as possible she even step on his feet a few times she was that close to him.

She won't let him out of her sight, he knows there was something wrong Lexi never acts like this but all Danny could do his gaze at her a few times he doesn't know what to do. Even if he did ask what could Lexi say, she have no idea what is wrong with her, she just shrugged him off.

"What is wrong with you today," Danny whispered, kind of annoyed.

"Nothing, I'm fine," she whispered back. Lexi try to make her voice confident but it didn't fool either of them, instead, a small smile crept across her lips, showing him that she was fine. Lying to him or anyone who she cares about she hates it, but there was nothing to worry.

With all Lexi try to confident him, Danny still didn't believe he gave her a knowing sigh and went back to playing on his phone, it looks like that she wasn't the only person who wasn't interested in this movie. Danny didn't push the subject, that one thing what she loves about him. Another loud sigh escaped her as she laid her head back against the seat, closing her eyes, shutting out everything around her.

What is wrong with me? Lexi whispers to herself.

Was it because of her father, He has done in the last five months, what Lexi is not pleased about, one of them is Danny, and the other one is worse this one can rip their family apart. Lexi was so horrified that she had to break up Danny with that she thought nothing could be worse, she was wrong.

Lexi let her mind go back to the past, she could still remember that day just like it was yesterday, but really it been five months, she was walking back from school, the only person who should be home was her father

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