twenty four; gone

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" I'm just worried about you. It's weird how I remembered what happened when the nogitsune took over me. It was like I was trapped behind a glass door, seeing everything going on but not having the power to stop it. I'm sorry about what's happening to you, but you need to know that this isn't who you are. You're so much stronger than this Kayla; you're a Whittemore after all. Isaac's also sorry about what he said to you, that also wasn't him. The nogitsune just wanted chaos to happen. Keep Lyds safe as well. Please come home Kayla, we miss you."

The voice mail that Stiles had left me ended. I quickly deleted it before I listened to it again. Yes, something in me was saying that what I was doing was wrong, but that quickly went away. I buried the little light I had inside of me deep into my brain; I couldn't turn on Void this late into the plan.

"You okay?" His voice echoed throughout the small hallway we were in. Lydia was somewhere in this little hall as well, probably hearing all the screams in her head.

I nodded my head and put my phone back into my jean pocket. "Yep. How's Lydia?"

"Crazy, as usual," Void Stiles informs me. "I'm going to go check on her, you good here?"

I mumbled a 'yes' and he walks off farther into the tunnel. I slid down on the wall and closed my eyes; my head was killing me. There was like a war going on in my head: the light vs. the dark. Stiles' voice mail triggered something in I needed to fight for my best friend. Void took over his life and made him do horrible things. I was now feeling like working for the nogitsune was betraying Stiles.

My hands shakily reached for my phone again. I pulled up Stiles' contact, my finger hovering over the 'call' button. Before I could regret my decision, I pressed on the screen.

"Kayla," His voice rang throughout my ears. Stiles and I drifted apart earlier this year, but we have gotten closer. The whole thing with the nogitsune made us even more closer and I couldn't but feel that Stiles was somehow my anchor right now. And it wasn't because I had feeling for him and vise-versa; it was because he was the only person who got me right now. "Where are you? Are you and Lydia okay?"

"Um, I don't know about Lydia. Sorry," I answered the question for him. "But I don't know what to do right now. My brain is going back and forth and I don't what the hell to do!"

Stiles stayed silent for a moment before speaking again, "The only person who can save you right now is yourself. Your situation is different from mine because this is a battle with yourself. Kayla you're one of the strongest women I know, prove that to everyone."

Is that Kayla? Is she okay? Isaac's voice could be heard from the background. I was about to tell Stiles to give Isaac the phone, but her voice spoke up.

Where is she? Allison Argent was the cause of all of my pain right now. I can't believe just a couple months ago we were actually starting to become best friends.

"Don't come and find me." Stiles pleaded for me not to hang up, but I already did. I threw my phone against the wall and it cracked.

My eyes turned all black as I looked at my reflection in the cracked screen. In that moment, I decided to turn it all off. No emotions, no humanity, nothing.

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