sixteen; mischeif

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Ever since I found myself in the woods that one night, I couldn't stop seeing the creatures with glowing eyes. They haunted my dreams and made me scream to be able to wake myself up. Now, Isaac was thinking it was just normal, but when Stiles and I started screaming at the same time during the middle of the night, Scott came into the picture and knew something had to be up.

Speaking of creepy ass things, I haven't seen the bandaged dude in my dreams lately. I was just probably paranoid that night and made a creepy monster up in my head; it's Beacon Hills though, anything can happen.

Today was a nee day however. Isaac and I were walking into school when he stopped. His body tensed as he looked over at the twins talking to Stiles and Scott.

"Oh god please don't–" I was too late when Isaac made his way over to the four of them, me following after him.

Ethan and Aiden were talking about them joining Scott's pack, but Isaac interrupted them. "I can think of one. Like when both of you held Boyd and my girlfriend while Kali made Derek choose who to kill. Lets not forget Boyd died that night. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."

I remembered that night very clearly. Boyd gave up his life for me, I would never be able to repay him.

Aiden growled and looked up at Isaac, "You want to try?"

Isaac stepped forward, but I stood in between the two. "Lets not, okay?"

"Sorry, but they don't trust you," Scott told them. "And neither do I."

Scott and Stiles walked into school while Isaac and I walked another way. He took my hand and squeezed it a little, "You have no idea how much I want to kill them."

"Well, you're not going to kill them because I said so," I opened my locker and put a couple of things in my bag. "Plus, if you go the whole day without mentioning them, I'll have present for you tonight."

Isaac leaned against the lockers as I closed mine. "Mhm, like what?"

I kissed his lips and smirked. "You'll have to wait."

Before he could say anything else, I walked away to where my first period class was. I noticed then that a weird feeling came over me when I kissed him. I really couldn't pin-point what it was, but I definitely haven't felt it before when I kissed him. Down the hall I saw Scott and Stiles talking; the word 'you're the hot girl' came across when I walked up to them.

"The hot girl?" Scott asked Stiles.

"You are the hottest girl," Stiles told him and then walked away.

Scott looked over at me and whispered, "I'm the hot girl."

I smiled, but was still confused what they were talking about. "Um, I don't know about that Scott. Last time I checked you were a guy."

Scott snaps out of his little dream-like state and starts walking with me. "Oh, um Stiles was telling me to ask this girl out–"

"Oh my god who?" I asked interrupting him. This was good, he could finally date a girl and get over me. Then, I wouldn't have to see Scott get thrown into a wall anymore.

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