two; ice bath

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"Nope, you're not doing this. I don't trust him one bit."

Peter sighed and looked back up at me, "We need to do this in order to find Erica and Boyd."

I looked back up at Peter before looking back at Derek. He just gave me a shrug.

"I'll be fine," Isaac reassures me.

"Fine," I grunt. "But if you hurt him in any way–"

"You'll kill me. I get the memo," Peter puts his claws right next to Isaac's neck.

"Okay just go, but warn me–" Isaac gets cut off by Peter sticking his claws into Isaac's neck.

Both of them grunt; Isaac looking to be in a lot of pain. I step forward, but Derek holds me back. I needed to stop what Peter was doing, I didn't know if Isaac could survive this. He was brand new to all of this werewolf stuff.

"I see them!" Peter tells us still looking like he was in a trance.

After a couple more seconds, Peter lets go of Isaac. I run over to him and make sure he's okay.

"What'd you see?" Derek asks.

"It was confusing," He breathes heavily. "Um – images, vague shapes."

"But you saw something."

"Isaac and Kayla found them, I – I think I saw you in the images Kayla," Since when did Isaac and I find them?

"But you saw Boyd and Erica," Derek says.

"It was blurry images, but I also saw..."

"Deucalion," Derek states.

"He was talking to them; something about time running out," From what I've heard, Deucalion is the alpha of the alpha pack.

Isaac looks at me worriedly, "What does it mean?"

"It means he's going to kill them," Derek says before I can answer him.

"No, no, no, no. He didn't say that, but he did promise that by the full moon they'd be dead."

I look up at Peter, "The next full moon?"

Peter takes a moment before speaking, "Tomorrow night."


The next day Isaac wanted to stay home, but he urged me to go to school so I did. Of course I had the daily awkward run-in with Scott in the morning, but after that it was fine. I was brought out of my thoughts though when Coach slammed a book on his desk.

"The stock market is based on two principles; what are they?" I look over and see Scott raise his hand. "Yes McCall you can go to the bathroom. Anyone else?"

I start to raise my hand, but Scott speaks up. "Uh, no Coach I know the answer."

He starts to laugh hysterically, "Oh you're serious."

"Yeah, risk and reward."

"Wow! Who are you and what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that, I like you better," He looks back up at the classroom. "Does anybody have a quarter?"

Stiles reaches into his pocket and grabs one; only to have an XXL condom package fall onto the ground. I hold my hand over my mouth and try to contain as much of my laughter in. In front of me, I could hear Scott chuckle a little.

"Stilinski, I um – I think you dropped this," Coach bends down and picks up the package. "And congratulations."

My phone starts to ring in my pocket and I pull it out seeing Isaac was calling me.

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