part 2

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Stiles? What's going on?

Oh sweetheart, I'm not Stiles.

Then who the hell are you?

I'm the nogitsune. I feed off of strife, chaos, and pain. This is my game Kayla, and you just happen to be my little pawn in it.

With the alpha pack now gone and everything was normal. But it's Beacon Hills, something bad always happens. Scott, Stiles, and Allison opened a door to their mind after sacrificing theirselves to save their parents. They've been having nightmares, but so has Kayla.

Jennifer Blake had told Kayla Whittemore earlier that school year that she was a grim reaper. Instead of seeking death like Lydia did, she brought death. Dreams of her killing her friends and a man wrapped in gauze appear in her dreams. She starts to realize that there's a trigger to her dark side, but she doesn't know what it is. When one dream ends with Isaac dead and she wakes up with blood on her hands, Kayla knows she's losing her mind.


i'm so fucking excited for this part. kayla's storyline will be bomb asf in 3b and so many things are going to happen. i have the ending planned out already (warning it's very sad that i may cry while writing it) (and no it ain't allison't death lol)

idk when i'll start part 2. i have school starting on monday and i'll be hella busy. first day of high school...lets see how that goes


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