Chapter Twenty-Six: Trapped

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"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice call out for my attention, "Mikhail! Are you okay?" I opened my eyes slowly but the bright lights made me shut them right away. I was delirious. I felt like I had lost all sense of direction as the room was spinning in all directions. I realized that the person who was calling out for me had been Max all along when he rudely said, "Hey, dipshit. It's not exactly the time to be napping. Open your eyes and focus."

"Oh, god!" I immediately recognized who that voice belonged to as well. It was Dan crying out. Her sobbing filled the room we were in.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed we were actually inside a warehouse. I couldn't hear much outside the building so I could t make out where we were. Though, I was sure it wasn't near the beach anymore seeing as I couldn't hear waves or the fireworks. I lifted my head and immediately felt somethings wet drip down my neck. I tried moving my hand to wipe it off but chains rattled behind me. No matter how much strength I put into my arm, it was useless. I was chained on what felt like metal bars on the wall. I was still confused as I tried to remember what had happened.

Then it all came back to me.

We were just waiting at the beach for Nico and Dylan to arrive when, all of a sudden, Sera stood behind me with a gun pointed at my head. There was a bit of back and forth conversation and then I witnessed Max and Dan being tased. They both fell to the ground and picked up by two larger men. I called out to them in a panic but was hit in the back of my head with Sera's gun.

Now that I thought about it, it must be blood that was dropping down. Immediately one worry flashed through my mind. Ah, man. My dads going to be worried. He already warned me previously about getting hurt just by being around someone like Nico. However, I couldn't blame what was happening to me now on Nico. It wouldn't feel right to push all the blame on Nico when I went along with his pace all on my own.

"-ey! Hey! Please don't tell me you're brain dead. I really don't know how I'll be able to explain that one to Nico." Max shouted at me to get my attention. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to look at Max and immediately flinched when I saw his shirt ripped and soaked in blood.

"Fuck! Dan shouted on the other side of Max. "Why- why did this happen?"

"Seraphina is a psychotic bitch. That's why." Max informed Dan in a angry sounding tone. "Ah, shit. My shirt is ruined."

"Are you hurt?" I asked trying to keep my voice from sounding frightened but there was no use. Any person would see how scared I was by how much I was shaking in my spot.

"No." Max said and took a moment to look at me carefully. He then shook his head softly and sighed, "It's not my blood."

"Then who does it belong-"

"One of Elisha's bodyguards. I snapped my head back when he was dragging me in and broke his nose. He couched down in pain holding his bleeding nose so I brought my knee up to his face. Blood splatter everywhere. I pulled out his gun and shot his stomach. I was sure I could have gotten us all out safely but I didn't take into consideration that you two were still out cold. Dan's guy dropped her on the floor and tackled me. I landed right in the bodyguard's blood." Max said and scrunched up his nose.

"That's good." I said sighing in relief. "I mean, not the part that you got tackled or killed someone down but that it's not your blood and you're alright."

Max looked at my sincerity for a second but then he scowled and looked away. "I really don't need you to to worry about me, of all people. Worry more about Nico." I frowned at him not understanding what he was trying to say. He let out his breath impatiently and clarified, "Elisha is using you and I to get to Nico. I'm sure Nico has told you about their brother hatred, rivalry, whatever you want to call it. Elisha knows that Nico won't ever do as Elisha commands so he has to get to Nico by playing dirty. He broke his spirit down when Nico was a little kid and now Elisha is back for more."

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