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Ava's P.O.V

I smiled walking into Theo's hospital room, today he gets to come home, and his mom couldn't get off of work, and neither could his dad, which is odd because this entire time he hasn't even came to see Theo. Anyways- I get to take Theo home since his truck is kind of no good right now, possibly even totaled, he just hasn't heard back from the mechanics.

"Hey, baby." He murmured, placing a kiss to my lips. "Hi." I responded, setting the clothes down that I brought for him, "you excited to be going back to your place?" I asked him, sitting in my usual spot right next to his bed, he nodded, a small smile tugging on his lips. "Yeah, but I kinda have to stop at work first." He explained, "why?" I asked confused, "I need to give them a 'doctors note or else I'm fired'." He used air quotes, referring to what his boss must have told him, I rolled my eyes. "He's a jerk." I mumbled, leaning back in my chair over dramatically. "I know, but I need the money.. especially now." He glanced at my stomach making me laugh.

I hummed in agreement, I hadn't thought of any of that yet, I have no idea how we're gonna do this, it's gonna be like the baby has parents who aren't together, I sighed at the thought, not realizing I did it out loud. "What?" Theo asked, after I sighed, "oh, just thinking." I answered, he raised an eyebrow, "about?" He pried. He's the only person who could be sitting in a hospital and still be beyond concerned about others, although I guess I might be a small exception.

"The baby." I answered, surprising us both when I said that, he was way more accepting with this than I was, I kept going back and forth between being happy and upset. I couldn't help but smile as he got all excited at me for actually saying it. "Now- back to what you were thinking about?" He returned to his serious, concerned state of mind. "Well he/she will be going back and forth between my house and your apartment, that doesn't sit well with me." I explained, realizing how pathetic it sounded to be thinking of this, when I'm only just a few days under a month along. Which makes me think, I should probably get a doctors appointment.

"Oh-" Theo was cut off by the nurse coming in with his discharge papers, I smiled moving out of her way, happy to get Theo out of here, whatever he was saying, I'll ask him about it later. I watched as he had to sign at least six different papers, that's crazy, I thought to myself as I continued watching them, she moved on to taking his IV out and making sure all the stuff was off of him. "Alright, you can go ahead and get all of your stuff and a wheelchair will be up here in a minute." I stifled back a laugh at the look on his face, "is a wheelchair really necessary?" He asked making the nurse laugh. "Yes, sir." She answered, walking out with a smile on her face.

I picked up a couple of his things that had been scattered around the room, his phone, which I found out had been taken by his mother, because she wanted him to "rest and not do anything stupid", I rolled my eyes at the thought. I grabbed his phone charger and looked around, noticing he was almost done changing already, I laughed to myself grabbing his phone charger and nodded when I noticed that was everything. I heard the jingle of his keys, and turned around to see him putting them in his pocket along with his wallet, the wheelchair being wheeled up to him. He sighed sitting in it, the male nurse nodded at him.

"You're not the first one to hate this." He mumbled, pushing the chair out as I followed behind them, double checking to make sure we had everything. I sighed catching up with them, just in time to get in the elevator. I started digging my keys out of my purse, looking up when the doors opened, I squeezed out before them and started making my way to my car. I heard Theo laughing behind me, probably at the way I'm anxious to be bringing him home, I've never done anything like this, and I know he doesn't even have any serious injuries, just a broken wrist, I still feel nervous.

"I'll be right back." Theo groaned, not looking forward to going inside to face his boss after missing two days of work, even though it wasn't his fault. I picked up my phone, wasting time on it while I waited for Theo to come back. I grimaced, a rush of nausea coming over me, I covered my mouth with my hand, managing to hold anything back until I could get out of my car, I only made it to the trash can outside before my stomach emptied itself. Thankfully there was no one outside to see that, I jumped back when I felt a hand on my back, I glanced at Theo before another wave of it hit me.

I scowled as I moved away from the trash can, "you good?" Theo asked gently, opening the car door for me, I slid in behind the steering wheel and nodded, resting my forehead on the wheel for a minute, "this is gonna be a long three months." I groaned, pulling the door shut and waiting for him to get in the other side so we could just get out of here. I pulled out onto the fairly busy road, once I was sure that the nausea had passed, my stomach was now clenching around itself since there was nothing in it.

I practically collapsed when I got inside Theo's apartment, I heard him laugh as he shut the door, I never enjoyed the feeling of this really used chair that he got for like thirty dollars at a garage sale, but right now, it was the comfiest thing ever. I opened my eyes to see Theo pulling his shoes off, balancing carefully as he couldn't use his other hand to steady himself, the cast preventing him from doing so. My eyes followed him as he walked into the kitchen, most likely searching for something to eat, he glanced back at me to find me staring.

"What are you looking at?" He teased, before he was hidden by the fridge door, popping back up with two water bottles in his hand. I graciously took one from him as he came up to me, "move it." He joked, moving my legs so he could squeeze himself under me in the kind-of-big-chair. "Uh, god." He breathed out, the doorbell ringing, followed by a knocking. "Honey, are you in there?" You could hear his mother from the other side of the door, does this woman ever go away. He slid back out from under me, saying he should answer the door and not me.

I couldn't keep myself from curling up in the chair, my eyes feeling heavy as he let his mom in. My eyes snapped open when she gasped, I looked around, expecting to see something crazy, "you have no furniture!" She exclaimed, making me remember she hasn't been in his apartment yet. "You're father is on his way." She told him, making me sit up quickly both of them looked over at me, his mom as if I was some psycho, but Theo looked at me like I was going to puke all over his floor.

"Leg cramp." I lied, massaging my calf, trying to convince his mother. She turned her gaze back to him, "he surely won't be happy about meeting her." She tried to whisper, Theo shut the door as she finally got out his way. "He'll like, Ava." He answered, quite literally scratching his head as he looked around for some other seats, which there were none. I stood up, offering the seat to Mrs. Raeken. She took it without a second glance, "the reason I came over was to ask you something, and to see where you're living of course." She spoke with such a condescending tone.

The way she scanned over the apartment was so judgmental, it's not a bad apartment, it's actually really nice for the price. "What did you want to ask?" He brought her attention back to him, I started to make my way towards- well anything except here. "Wait, Ava." His mom surprised me by actually using my name. "I wanted to ask both of you, if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow?" She asked slowly, I looked at Theo who shrugged, "sure."

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