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Ava's P.O.V

"Thanks man." I heard Theo tell Stiles as he climbed out of his jeep, we were helping him move his stuff into the apartment, we only really needed help with the bigger stuff. "No problem." Stiles responded, I went over to them. "Thank you for doing this, I know you still have your doubts about him." I whispered to my brother, knowing full well that he still has those moments were Theo seems like a total mistake to him. Stiles didn't answer, just gave me a small smile. "Lets do this!" I cheered turning towards Theo, he laughed and opened up the back of his truck.


"I have to go, Theo." I sighed, realizing it was getting late, and I was getting tired, "stay." Theo whined softly into the base of my neck. "Please." He added, placing soft kisses up my neck. "Babe." I mumbled, subconsciously allowing my head to roll to the side, giving him more access to me. I laughed under my breath when I was spun around, his hands on my hips tugging me closer, "fine." I gave in after he kissed me, not the typical, soft loving kiss, but more of a needy, lust filled kiss.

I panicked for a moment, not sure if I wanted to do anything like this with him. "Theo." I said cautiously, making him move away from me, the look in his eyes seeming to return to his soft loving ones again. "Hey, you don't have-" I cut him off, this time being the one who kissed him with such a sense of urgency. Slowly he started pushing me backwards, until I felt the back of my legs hit his bed causing me to fall down on it, I couldn't help but laugh as he fell on top of me. Theo smirked as he rolled over, allowing me to straddle him.

I cupped his face in my hands as he kissed me, his hands on the back of my thighs. His fingers were just under neath the fabric of my loose shorts, making my face flush but nonetheless I continued on with what we were doing.


I woke up to a slight kick in the back of my leg, I groaned, burying my head farther into my pillow, "ow." I hissed when I got kicked again, I rolled over to see Theo asleep, but looking scared, I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him for a minute. "Baby." I sighed, shaking him lightly trying to wake him, he pushed my hand away in a half asleep motion. "Theo." I said more alertly when he jerked around, "wake up." I demanded pushing his arm across him, making him roll a little bit. I jumped as he sat up quickly, "Theo?" I asked cautiously, his head whipped in my direction.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked concerned, the look on his face a mix of sadness and anger. "Nothing." He snapped, suddenly laying down, but facing away from me. "You can tell me." I assured him gently, not trying to push him but just to make sure he knew. "Just don't, alright!" He said, his temper showing, I knew it was only because he didn't want to open up, but it still hurt to have him snap at me like that. I climbed out of the bed, thankful that it's dark in here, suddenly not wanting Theo to see me the way he had just a few short hours ago.

I pulled on the first of my clothes that I could find, and made my way out to the living room, the only stuff that was out there was a box with extra blankets. I pulled one out and laid down on the floor, not wanting to leave the apartment at this late hour, besides when he wakes up in the morning, we can talk about this instead of making it more dramatic. Slowly, the hours ticked by, the sun was finally starting to come up which meant soon enough Theo would be up, getting ready for a run most likely, although I doubt he would end up taking one this morning.

I sighed, scrolling through the texts I had gotten, most of them from Stiles, I assured him that I had ended up falling asleep at the apartment and that I would be home sometime today.

"Ava?" I heard Theo ask groggily, I stayed silent, waiting for him to find me, sitting against the wall in his living room. "Baby?" I heard again, this time he sounded more awake, no remorse, as if he didn't even remember what happened last night. "What are you doing?" He asked, appearing in front of me, I shrugged. "Why won't you say anything?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "You had a bad dream last night." I said simply, seeing if that would make him remember. "I did?" He asked, before a look of realization crossed his face.

I made a "duh" face at him when he realized he lost his cool with me. "I'm sorry." He sounded sincere, "I was so freakin tired, I didn't even realize it." He added, sitting in front of me, I nodded. Looking him over I noticed he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and came out here searching for me, "don't do it again." I told him, he sighed in relief. "Ok, baby girl." I felt my face flush at the nickname, he smirked, "I should probably go home." I mumbled, checking the time, and realizing how badly I needed a shower.

"No run today?" Theo asked, following me as I trudged to his room, in search of the rest of my clothes, "no." I answered. I picked up my jacket and shoes from his floor, noticing his clothes from yesterday scattered across the room. I turned to see him directly behind me, "see you tomorrow." He said kissing me quickly, "I love you." I told him, "I love you too." He responded, watching as I walked out the door. I smiled as I thought of what we were doing tomorrow, he was going to have a "house" warming party to be exact, despite me saying he doesn't have a house, so he shouldn't call it that, but I knew he was just using it as an excuse to have a party.


I sighed entering the house to see everyone here, except for Theo of course, I felt embarrassed walking in there as if they would know the unspeakable act Theo and I had done last night. "Ava, come over here!" Liam called, as I tried to walk past them unnoticed, everyone's eyes landed on me and my probably messy hair and lazily pulled on clothes. "Uh just let me clean up first." I answered before rushing upstairs, eager to get in the shower and wash away my anxiousness.

"What's up kid?" I teased Liam, ruffling his hair, "you're on year older than me, shut up." He groaned fixing his hair, I saw Hayden give me a look out of the corner of my eye, as if I would do anything with Liam. I have a boyfriend and Liam's younger then me, I would never do anything with him, he's like a brother to me. Some people, I thought as I sat down next to Scott. "Hello, my basically sister." He whispered to me, I chuckled as I unlocked my phone, seeing a text from Theo. "Had fun last night" I typed a quick response and left the message hoping Scott didn't see it over my shoulder but I was unlucky, "what are you doing?" Stiles directed the question at his best friend.

I looked up and saw Scott making a slightly disgusted face at me, "uh-" Scott shut his mouth when I started pinching his arm where no one could see. I glared at him for a second and then he shrugged, "nothing." He answered Stiles, who didn't seem convinced, "no, come on tell me, Ava?" He asked, now looking at me. I hid the panic I was feeling and shrugged, "nothing, just like he said." I lied, horribly might I add. My brother raised his eyebrows at me making me grow annoyed. 

"Listen it's not really any of your business, or Scott's, or any of you to be honest." I finally snapped, leaving it at that and not saying another word on the topic. 

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