n i n e t e e n

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Ava's P.O.V

The door opened, revealing my dad, looking tired but nonetheless he smiled seeing me waiting for him. "You didn't have to wait for me." He said, kissing the top of my head as he walked by, I pushed the remainder of my food on my plate around, Stiles had finished almost an hour ago, but I've been sitting here the whole time. "I need to tell you something." I blurted, "before you start." He spoke, turning slowly to look at me, I became nervous, "Parrish told me he ran into you today." He sighed softly, "he said you had a pregnancy test." He finished, I broke down- again.

"I'm sorry." I cried covering my face with my hands, expecting him to be angry, I tensed when I felt his hands on my shoulders, but calmed down when he pulled me up to hug him. "Oh, honey." He mumbled into my hair, holding me tighter as I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry dad." I sniffled, wiping at my eyes once he loosened his grip on me, "I know." He told me, kissing my forehead, he reacted similarly to Stiles, accepting, even though it was so unexpected, especially from me.


I sighed as Theo's phone went straight to voicemail, none of my texts to him will go through either, I mean, I knew we were angry with each other but I didn't think it was this bad. My phone screen froze for a second before an incoming call came up, I answered immediately. "Hello?" I asked nervously, knowing it was the hospitals number, "Miss. Stilinski?" A lady asked, I nodded before realizing she couldn't see me. "Yes." I answered, "I have a patient here, Theo Raeken, he asked if we could contact you." She explained, sounding bored with this conversation, "what happened?" I panicked, already grabbing some shoes to pull on.

"He was in an accident, I'm not allowed to say anything more over the phone." I sighed at her ridiculous answer, "okay." I hung up and grabbed my purse, digging my car keys out as I went down the stairs. "Where are you going?" My dad asked as I walked right past him, I paused, "Theo." Is all I said, he assumed I was going to tell him about my test, but that was the least of my concerns right now.


"What room is Theo Raeken in?" I asked, trying to sound less worried than I am, "315." I nodded, giving a silent thank you. I made my way towards the elevator, bouncing on the heels of my feet as if made it's way down to me, it opened revealing Theo's mom and I instantly turned around before she could see me. Once I knew she was gone, I squeezed into the elevator with some other people. I tapped the floor number and sighed to myself, honestly having no clue what to expect.

I knocked on the door, making my presence known, I peeked my head in and saw Theo laying there, a cast on his left arm and yet again some bruises on his face. He looked over and saw me standing halfway in his room, "Ava?" Theo asked surprised, "what happened?" I immediately asked, rushing over to him, I pulled the chair up to his bed and sat next to him. "I got into a car accident, I was going to your house to check on you." He explained, reaching for my hand, I laced our fingers together as I breathed out. "If I wasn't in such a rush to leave and get the test, this wouldn't have happened." I shook my head, feeling guilty for this.

"Don't say that." He groaned, before his mood changed, "did you take a test?" He asked, seeming neutral, unsure on what I was going to tell him, "yeah." I bit my lip, nervous to say it. "Well?" He asked, growing impatient, "it was positive." I mumbled, but he heard me, I watched him intently as he didn't show anything. I swear I saw a faint smile before it disappeared. "Are you okay?" I asked him, holding back a laugh at the odd look on his face, "you're actually pregnant?" He looked shocked, but there was an underlying of happiness.

"Yes." I answered, not in a whisper this time. "How are we doing, Mr. Raeken?" A nurse asked coming in, smiling at me before starting to check everything. "Awfully smiley for someone who just got put in the hospital." She joked light heartedly, I laughed under my breath. "I just got some really good news, that's all." He answered, glancing at me as he spoke. "Well, at the rate you're going, you should be out of here by Saturday." She told him before making her way out to her next patient. "Thank gosh." I grinned at him, today's Thursday so it's only a couple of days.

"Does anyone know?" He asked, going back to my news, "Stiles-" he cut me off by widening his eyes, "he's gonna kill me!" He said in a duh tone. "He won't, and my dad knows, he seems okay, for the most part." I finished, watching his face contort with different emotions. "Neither of them are gonna hate me?" He asked, I shrugged, "they could, but they're not gonna kill you." I laughed, jumping when I heard that voice that I have so many mixed emotions about. "I went downstairs and got you-" Mrs. Raeken stopped talking when she saw me, "Ava." She said abruptly, "Mrs. Raeken." I did the same as her.

When she turned to look at the chart on Theo's wall, I got his attention and motioned to my stomach, shaking my head. "Okay." He practically mouthed right before his mom turned back around. "Your father couldn't get the rest of the day off of work." She explained to Theo as she sat next to him, in the chair I was in, but moved from when she showed up. I took a seat on the small pull out couch they have against the wall. I sighed to myself as she excluded me from everything, I might as well not be here.

I answered my phone as it rang, "hello." I sighed, knowing it was Stiles, "where are you?" He asked, most likely hearing the constant beeping of the required heart monitor. "I'm with Theo." I said vaguely, not wanting his mom to hear me blab about how her son is in the hospital. "Are you okay? Did you tell him? How did he react?" Stiles asked, boy, is he full, of questions. "I'm fine, Theo just had a little accident, he'll be home by Saturday, hopefully. Yes I told him, and he was fine." I whispered, but his mom still heard me, and Theo laughed at the flustered look on my face. "Can I talk to Theo?" My brother asked, "Stiles wants to talk to you." I mumbled going over to Theo and giving him my phone.

"What kind of name is Stiles?" Mrs. Raeken grumbled thinking I couldn't hear her. "That's my brother you're talking about." I said to her, making sure Theo didn't hear me, which he didn't he was too busy getting a lecture from Stiles I'm sure. Shortly after that, Theo handed me the phone and I said bye to Stiles and hung up, wanting to ask what he said but not wanting his mom to hear. "You get along well with her brother?" Theo's mom asked, looking up from the magazine in her hands. 

"Yes, mom and her dad too." He sighed, as if she's asked this a hundred times. "What about her mother?" She asked, my breathing hitched in my throat, he widened his eyes at his mothers insensitivity, "she passed when I was little." I answered for Theo, for once she looked at me with some kind of compassion. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, awkwardly trailing her eyes back down to her magazine. 

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