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Ava's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since the panic attack on the beach and Theo telling me that he loves me, which he still doesn't know that I heard him. I've thought long and hard, about if I love him, and I've come to the conclusion that I do love him. Very, very much. And it's not that I love what he's doing for me, it's him, as a whole. The way he treats me, the way he laughs over the most pointless things, the way he can go from being a total bad boy to being the sweetest guy alive. Everything about him, it's everything I've ever wanted.

I have, surprisingly, gotten so much happier in these past couple of weeks, I've stopped pushing Theo away. I've been all around in a better mindset, I'm not worried about Theo turning into someone like Andrew. And he can tell I'm happier now, we have so much fun together now, and we spend more time together in general, even if it is just falling asleep together on each others couches.

Scott is throwing a party tonight, don't ask me why, I have no idea, but everything's been going great for all of us lately, so why not have a party just for fun. I struggled to reach the zipper in the back of my dress, I heard a knock on the door, "come in." I said turning so my back was facing away from them, Theo opened my door and I let out a breath of relief. "Babe, can you zip this up?" I asked turning my back towards him I saw him nod in my mirrors reflection, I watched as he pulled the zipper all the way up before placing his hands on my waist, "you look so good." He mumbled into my neck, peeking up at us in my full length mirror.

"Hmm, thank you." I hummed in response, laughing when he kissed the base of my neck. "Whats so funny?" He asked turning me around, I almost fell because of the shoes I was wearing but he steadied me, "nothing, you're just cute." I shrugged, fixing his hair with my hand. "I try." He answered smugly, his more well known personality peeking through. "You better be on your best behavior tonight." I scolded, half serious, half joking. "Oh, and why is that?" He asked as I cleaned up my vanity with the little bit of extra time we have.

"Because my brother is going to be there, and if he sees your hands any lower than here," I placed my hands on my hips, "you will be dead." I laughed, he smirked. "I'll try." He teased just to get under my skin, I looked in the mirror, suddenly second guessing my dress, it looked like I tried too hard. I went to my dresser and pulled out my second option, black shorts and a pretty, but simple, t-shirt, along with some black heeled ankle boots. "One second." I said to Theo, rushing into the bathroom to change.


I smiled as I opened the door to Scott's house, glad that I had changed because the dress would have looked weird. My face flushed as Theo slid his hand into one of my back pockets, just to annoy me. I mean it's nothing he hasn't done before, but not in front of people, my brother, and my basically other brother, especially. "Theo." I warned, he pulled his hand out and laughed at my panicked face. "Sorry baby girl." He whispered, instead this time slinging his arm over my shoulder. Thank god.

"Hey Liam." I grinned, seeing him, and Hayden. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from saying anything, I don't think Hayden is right for him, but I won't tell him that obviously, I just have to hope that somehow, one day, she'll prove me wrong. I felt Theo pulling me towards the kitchen to get a drink, he poured us both a drink and I pushed myself up to be sitting on the kitchen counter, enjoying the emptiness of the room.

"I'll be right back." Theo said before heading towards the bathroom, leaving me there alone, which I don't mind. I turned when I heard someone entering the kitchen, I've never seen them before, but when he opened the fridge which was right next to me, you could tell he was drunk, he smelt like beer. I slid over, hoping he wouldn't notice, but no, of course, he had to see me trying to stay away from him.

His hands landed on my thighs making me tense, along with the smell of alcohol being fanned across my face. "Don't touch me." I demanded, trying to push him off of me, but he was too strong. His hands inched up and he leaned towards me, I tried to move away so he ended up putting a disgusting wet kiss on my neck, which he didn't seem to mind, because he kept doing it.

He groaned when I pushed him back, instantly wiping my neck, trying not to cringe at the thought. He started coming back just as Theo walked in, "hey!" Theo shouted, basically ripping the guy off of me. I was grateful for that but began to panic when the drunk guy punched Theo in the nose, making blood come rushing out. "Theo!" I shrieked about to get down but then Theo swung at the other guy making me jump back.

"Stop it!" I shouted, although neither of them seemed to notice, Scott came in and looked panicked, "hey!" He yelled, catching Theo's attention, which resulted in him getting punched in the cheek. I took the opportunity to get off the counter, and move Theo back. Scott basically dragged the guy out of here. "Baby." I couldn't help but mumbled, as I looked him over, wetting a paper towel before wiping some of the blood off of his face, he winced when I went over his cheek. "I'm sorry." I frowned, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"Let's just go, alright." I told him, trying to get him through the group of people as quickly as possible. Stiles was helping Scott get the drunk guy out of the house, but he wouldn't budge. "No way in hell." I said, taking the truck keys out of Theo's hand, "I'll drive." I told him, he didn't try and fight me so he just got in the passengers side.


"It's fine babe." Theo tried to assure me as I went to grab ice for his cheek, I rolled my eyes, "Theo, it is not fine, you could barely tell me that without wincing." I sighed, gently placing the bag of ice on his cheek. He took the ice from me and watched as I sat next to him, watching him closely. "I love you." I blurted out. His eyes widened, "you what?"

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