Sick Day

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"beep beep beep beep"

I roll over to the right side of my bed and reach out to turn off my alarm. I push back the blankets to make my way to the bathroom. Almost immediately I am hunched over again supporting myself by holding onto the edge of the bed.

The cramps were unbearable. I try my best to ignore it and get ready for the school day. It's only 1 week until exams and I really can't afford to miss any class time.

After doing minimal makeup and throwing on a hoodie and leggings I flop back onto my bed and curl into a ball. I am in immense pain, so I decide it's best to stay home because I probably wouldn't be able to concentrate at school anyway.

I fall back to sleep but soon I am woken up by my phone ringing again. Its my boyfriend Shawn.

"hello" I answer groggily into the phone.

"Where are you y/n??? It's almost third period, did your alarm not go off or something?? I can come pick you up." he says urgently into the phone.

I muster out a giggle at his nervousness before replying, "No I decided not to come today, I woke up and wasn't feeling the best."

"Oh darling, you should have called me, I'd come over now but I have biology last period and I can't miss it. But don't worry I'll be there right after school."

"Thats not necessary Shawn I'm fine." I replied. Even though I really wanted to see him I knew he had a very busy week with school.

"It's not an option, I'll be there at 3. See you then babe, if you need anything picked up just text me. Love you!"

Instead of falling back to sleep I decide to head to the living room and turn on the tv. I start watching Greys anatomy and one episode turns into 4, as per usual. Before I know it I hear a knock at the door, it must be Shawn.

I open the door to see him standing there with 2 bags from Walmart. I roll my eyes at him but not before giving him a giant hug. His warmth instantly sends a wave of comfort right through me.

I make my way back to the couch and he lays the bags on the side table, taking everything out to show me what he bought.

"So I got some Advil for the pain, some milk chocolate because I know thats your favourite, also some popcorn and finally .... okay close your eyes for this one its too good!"

I close my eyes laughing wondering what it could be.

"Okay open your eyes"

I open my eyes only to see my favourite ice-cream in the whole world, Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice-cream.

"Oh my god!! You are too good for this world Shawn Mendes." I place kisses all over his face before tackling him into yet another hug.

"Just taking care of my girl" he says looking lovingly into my eyes. "I am so lucky" I whisper as I cuddle into his arms.

We spend the rest of the afternoon watching our favourite Greys Anatomy episodes, with me occasionally crying into his shoulder over a heartbreaking scene and him rubbing my back ever so gently.

As he stares intently at the tv I glance up at him and think of how I wouldn't want anyone else taking care of me,  I can only hope he is there by my side forever.

A/N: I finally updated wow its about time! I have so much studying to do for exams but I mean why not just write some imagines haha. If anyone has any requests just send them in and I will try to get to them as soon as I can :) Hope everyone is having a great start to 2017!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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