English Class

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The first Monday of the school year; the thought brings so much terror. The first few easy "back to school" days are done with. No more sitting at my desk and pretending to listen to my teachers introduce themselves, or no more missing class for practice evacuation plans. Its time to get down to business.

I get out of my moms car and dreadfully make my way through the main doors of the school. I flash a smile as I pass people I know while walking through the winding hallways. I come to a stop at my locker and glance at my schedule to see what classes I have this morning.

English and Biology.

I grab the necessary books and find my friends to talk to until the bell rings to go to class. Most of my friends are a year older than me meaning they are starting senior year and are enrolled in all different courses than me. With my quiet personality I don't really talk to many people in my classes.

The bell rings and I walk towards english. So far I love my teacher, she seems really sweet but my class is absolutely horrifying. Picture one person you know from each social clique and put them into one class with a majority of loud popular jocks. Doesn't mix well does it?

I sit down and take out my binder along with other necessary supplies. As the teacher enters she begins to hand out a sheet with a topic for us to write on.

"I want you guys to write your own essays, but first discuss ideas with the person sitting to your right."

The noise of chairs and desk moving across the tiled floor quickly fills the room, I look to my right and see Shawn Mendes. I don't know much about him because he only moved here a few years ago. He always also seemed to be the quiet type who mostly stuck to himself and only hung out with the same three people.

"Hey, do you want to move your desk over so we can discuss ideas?" I start the conversation because I know if I don't I will be waiting all day.

"Oh sure." he replies casually while moving his desk next to mine.

We begin brainstorming ideas for the writing prompt, with me surprisingly doing most of the talking. We finish our first task so I take out my phone put my headphones in, turn on some music and begin to write. He taps on my shoulder and I look over to him.

"You listen to John Mayer?"

"Uh yeah, but how did you know that." I ask, confused as to why he brought it up. "Well your phone is face up on the desk, its kinda hard to not see." I look down and try to think of how stupid I was to not realize that the Continuum album cover is lit up on the screen of my iPhone.

"I love John Mayer, he's a total legend." he exclaims enthusiastically.

We get into an everlasting conversation about all things music, and as he speaks I can hear the passion in his voice. I begin to stare into his deep brown eyes, seeing them sparkle as he talks about what he truly loves.

Soon the bell rings and we look at our pages and laugh as we realize we barely have anything written on our pages.

"If you are not finished it is for homework and due next class so don't forget." y/t/n announces as students file out of the room.

I begin to pack my books back into my bag and see Shawn smiling at me when I look up. "I'm so glad we got to talk this class, we should hang out sometime! Here's my number."

A blush creeps upon my face, I take his number and we say  goodbye, parting our ways. Once I get to biology I sit down, and cancel out the sound of my teachers voice, replaying the last hour in my mind. Someone I never really ever paid attention to was suddenly all i could think about. So lets just say I'm glad I didn't wait all day for that conversation to begin.

a/n: hope everyone is getting settled back into school and that it's going well, or at least as good as school can be. Thanks for reading :))

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt