Three Empty Words

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"What's really gonna break my heart is to have to tell your little brother."

A few days have passed since Shawn and I ended our relationship. It's been hard, I continue to tell myself it was a mutual decision, that it had to end before we each began to drown in the deafening silence between us. But now I'm not sure I wanted it to be this way.

I sit in my bedroom surrounded by blankets and the flame of a warm scented candle flickering next to me. I stare out the window taking in the view of the trees beginning to change to their autumn colours.

Autumn was always Shawn and I's favourite season, we spent our dates in pumpkin patches and taking advantage of Pumpkin Spice flavoured food at every cafe.

As I begin to imagine how different this Autumn will be without him, I see movement outside my window. I see my little brother playing basketball by himself, something him and Shawn used to do together while I was occupied with homework or whatever.

I decide I should probably take a shower after sitting around in the same clothes day after day. I need to move on with my life. I return 15 minutes later and someone else is outside with y/b/n I am shocked to see that its the tall, brown haired, brown eyed boy I said goodbye to with tears in my eyes just 3 days ago.

Shawn's POV

I sit at my kitchen counter, my math homework spread out in front of me as I put in the little energy I have to finish the last few algebra problems. I haven't been sleeping much since I last talked with y/n, I know it needed to end because we were falling out of touch but I don't know how I'll keep going without her by my side.

I simply feel like it is all unfinished. I think of all the things we used to do together and how there wont be a next time. Like how we wont spend another afternoon in her backyard sitting in the hammock, watching the clouds roll across the sky, or how we will never spend another Friday night in my basement eating pizza and watching the most random videos on youtube until my mom comes down to wonder what all the noise is.

How could I not think about our families, we all had such great relationships. When I see them randomly in town will we stop and talk or simply keep walking in opposite directions. Her little brother will be heartbroken when he finds out, but he has to hear it from me.

I jump off the stool and grab my car keys, I cannot leave this for y/n to handle.

I pull into her street and see y/b/n playing basketball in their driveway, something we used to love doing together. As he sees me pull up in my car he smiles widely and waves at me, I wave back before unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out.

"Hey Shawn, wanna have a game? 1 on 1, loser has to sit through 3 episodes of Pretty Little Liars with y/n." he asks me excitedly.

"I'd love to but actually I can't stay long, come sit down we need to talk." I pat him on the back motioning for us to sit on the front steps.

We sit down and he looks at me with his big blue eyes, just like y/n's. "Is this about y/n? She hasn't left her bedroom in like 3 days. Mom and dad won't tell me why, will you? I'm worried about her." I wince as I hear these words, I hate to know that y/n is upset and that I can no longer help her.

"Well buddy actually y/n and I broke up a few days ago. I wanted to come and tell you myself." I stare down at my feet as I let the words come out of my mouth.

He looks at me with tear filled eyes, "Why? Why did you make her sad? You are supposed to be the one to make her laugh and smile! This isn't right!" I reach out to grab his hand but he runs off, "Don't touch me."

I sit on the step with my head in my hands. I know theres no point in trying to talk to him again right now I will wait until he has calmed down. I make my way to my car, passing y/n's bedroom window I glance in, only to see her cradling her brother who is crying in her arms. My heart breaks.

What have I done.

A/N: I love this plot so much, maybe a part 2 at some point if you guys want :)) thanks for reading !!

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