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Draco and Teddy hugged for what never seemed like long enough for Teddy, but still he moved back and wiped his face with a handkerchief he conjured for himself.

Scorpius stood back with a small smile as he watched his family reunite. Sure, he was young when his father and his papa had stopped speaking, but he always knew they would find each other again.

Once Harry stopped coming around Scorpius started reading more fiction stories and fairy tales, trying to find ways for Harry to fall for his father again. He had finally decided to stop looking when he received his Hogwarts letter. He was too old to believe in muggle fairy tales. If something was going to happen it would happen on its own, not because he researched it until he was restless. Then he saw his papa on the platform and he knew that things were working themselves out and he couldn't help but smile again. That is until the pain behind his eyes came back and he had to focus on not thinking about anything for a moment.

He really should have tried harder to find his medicinal potions. Why did Madam Pomfrey have to keep them anyway? He was old enough to take it himself. He had been old enough for a few years now. He rolled his eyes then winced as the pain came back with a flurry of thoughts. The pain momentarily stopped when the door slammed open and he looked from Teddy and his father speaking to see his Papa carrying his weight in hardcovers.

Harry stumbled from his class into his office with an armful of books and reports. He tried to keep his balance, but he had always had the grace of an elephant. He tripped almost as soon as he crossed the threshold. Although no one could catch him three wands were immediately out to stop the books and papers from collapsing as well.

"At least now I know what you guys think is most important," said Harry rolling onto his back and looking up at the three other guys in his office.

"Well duh," said Teddy with a grin once Draco had grabbed all the books and sat them on a table.

"All the grace in the world, Potter," Draco drawled lovingly and Harry looked up at him with a grin before standing up and brushing himself off.

Scorpius was behind his father placing the reports down as well before moving over to the lounge chair and flopping onto it, next to Teddy. Draco gave his son a once over before stepping closer and placing a hand on his head. Even he could feel Scorpius' magic wavering and his head throbbing.

"Hyperion, have you taken your potions?" Scorpius flinched at the use of his middle name, but shook his head honestly.

"No, but I did go to Madam Pomfrey for them earlier. She said a professor came and picked up my dosage for today. Then I went to my common room to floo you, but Teddy was waiting to bring me to Papa's room."

"A professor has your-"

"Oh yeah! That'd be me," said Harry hurrying towards the glass cabinet behind his desk and pulling out a vial labeled 'Cerebrum Perlahan Serum'. "I remembered Scorp was supposed to take this with dinner and since I had invited you all here to eat I thought it would be easier..."

"Harry you just can't take medicine from the infirmary!"

"I didn't just take it! I asked first." Harry stuck his bottom lip out in a mock pout before continuing. "I explained to Pomfrey and she said it was fine. Although I am sorry, Scor. I didn't know it had gotten so bad." While he spoke he had bent over slightly so he was talking to Scorpius at eye level.

"It's fine, Papa. It's mostly because of all the p-people and the new environment. T-teddy was telling me that he could fix it by t-talking at a set pace." Harry nodded. Teddy had been off his potions for almost 2 years now, but then again he had only started taking ithem when he came to Hogwarts. He looked down at the small blonde with a sort of concerned curiosity causing the boy to stand angrily. Clearly he was developing more and more of Draco's temper. "D-don't look at me l-like that. The f-faster my brain goes the m-more I st-stutter. That's why I n-need my p-p-potions!"

Harry stepped back, surprised that Scorpius was yelling at him. Or anyone else for that matter. He looked over at Draco who looked sad to have to see his son go through this, but also a bit anxious as though Harry was going to change his mind about taking them back. Not a chance. He reached over and squeezed Draco's hand before handing Scorpius the potion and transfiguring his desk and couches into a dinner table with four unusually comfy chairs.

"Sorry, Scorp. I didn't know," he said again letting go of Draco's hand as he called in a few house elves from the kitchens to bring them dinner.

"No, I'm sorry, Papa. I know I can get kind of irritable. It just- I get so...frustrated! It's like I know what I want to say, but my brain is moving too fast for my mouth to catch up and then when it does catch up it has to work twice as hard to remember how to form the words." He growled to himself before putting his head in his hands.

"It's alright Scorpius. I promise. I should've left it with Pomfrey."

"Yes," cut in Draco bitterly. "You should have."


"Can we try this another night? I'm not very hungry." Draco stood and headed towards the fireplace, but before he could both Teddy and Harry had stood to stop him.

"Dad, don't leave," said Teddy and Scorpius at the same time. Draco stopped in shock and turned, looking at both boys. One who was a spitting image of him and another who- even without changing his appearance- seemed to wedge himself between both he and Harry. He carefully walked over and sat down in his vacant seat before clearing his throat.

"I suppose I could eat a little something..."

Teddy laughed, but tears dripped from his face anyway. The smile that took over his face felt different. He took deep breaths and rubbed his cheeks, but he still couldn't break the lopsided grin. So this is what it's like to be genuinely happy, again, he mused to himself as an elf came back with plates and goblets for everyone.


hey futher muckers
my loves

new chapter yo!

irritated/frustrated scorp

tell me what you guys think
dont forget to check out my book of oneshots and leave ideas in the comments

uhhh i think thats it

happy monday

hope you enjoyed this
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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