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Scorpius waved to Teddy and the other Hufflepuffs before following Hagrid to the boats for the first years journey to the castle.

They rode across the pond with an air of awed silence before breaking off into excited squeals.

Inside the castle Scorpius was awestruck. He knew that Hogwarts was beautiful he had seen it in books on in the papers. He had even read Hogwarts: A History but nothing could have prepared him for actually being in the building itself. He looked up as a woman stood before them and gave a welcome speech, but his attention went towards the moving staircases once she headed in a different direction.

He walked in the direction of the first staircase as if in a trance when there was a hand gripping his shoulder.

"We're not supposed to go anywhere until the Headmistress comes back." The girl who spoke was almost as tall as he was. She had light brown almost caramel skin with a few freckles sprinkled across her face and she kept her wild red mane in a ponytail only leaving a few curling bits to frame her face. Scorpius blushed.

"I wasn't trying to leave, it's just I have an attention issue and the staircases move! I thought I saw someone up there- I mean, I probably did because there are moving portraits and ghosts all around. Did you know that-"

"You talk a lot when you're nervous, Malfoy," she responded before turning around. He furrowed his brows. He did not! He talked a lot all the time. Who was she to know how much he talked anyway? He just thought he'd share what he learned. He liked learning. And another thing, how'd she even know his name? He opened his mouth to ask when a huge door opened and the woman he assumed to be the Headmistress came out.

"Is everyone ready to be sorted? Of course you are. Follow me." She smiled lovingly at all the students before she turned and led the group of first years through the middle of the Great Hall. "Sheryl Ashbury?" Called the headmistress as the sorting began. A girl who looked as though she were drowning in her robes with a small button nose and huge brown eyes sat on the stool apprehensively as the hat was eased onto her head.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat called and she smiled brighter than Scorpius would have thought possible for her tiny face before running over to the table on one side of the room almost tripping over her huge robes.

There were smiles and gasps and talking all around them as more students names were called and they were sent to their tables.

"Rose Granger-Weasley?" The girl from before pushed her way to the front and Scorpius' mouth dropped. That was Rosey? He hadn't seen her since he was- well he wasn't sure. He hadn't really seen anyone but his tutors. He never did end up going to Dumbledore Primary Wizards Academy, his father just finished homeschooling him after the incident. And that was the end of that. Rose had her eyes shut tight, but the grin on her face showed her eagerness.

"GRYFFINDOR!" She smirked as the hat came off her head and she skipped down to join her cousins at the lion table.

Once she was seated his eyes floated above her head towards the ceiling and its ever changing constellations, before he found the one he was named for and smiled. Someone pushed him and he looked over surprised.

"It's your turn, Malfoy," they whispered pushing him forward. He tried to see who it was that pushed him but there were too many unknown faces. So he turned and rushed to take his seat on the stool before giving everyone a shy smile and look at the aged woman in front of him.

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