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"Do you think you could make it to the manor for Christmas, love?" Draco asked, kissing his boyfriend's nose.

"Well I don't see a problem with that." Harry smiled at Draco as they snuggled deeper into his bed.

"Great, we have somewhere to be Christmas afternoon. I really want you there with me to announce this..." Draco started. Harry furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion and the blonde kissed the wrinkles in the middle. 

"I wish I could bring Teddy." Harry's face fell and he placed his forehead on Draco's chest and took a deep breath. "He loves the holidays and I was going to
take him to see the lights in Godric Hollow."

"So why don't you?" Draco asked petting Harry on the head.

"You know why I can't do that."

"Bring my aunt with him. I don't mind. Give her a chance to accept the situation instead of letting her have her way." Draco chuckled. "Here I was thinking that Malfoy's were spoiled. Harry you should call her. I know this is hurting you. Tell her that."

"Dray- I just can't. You should go. I have a class to teach in an hour and Hermione did babysit last night, but probably has to work so she'll be leaving the house elves in charge of Scorpius if you take too long." Draco nodded at Harry's suggestion and pulled himself out of the bed then searched for his wand before transfiguring his clothes back. He turned and winked at the green eyed man before swaggering into the floo.

When Draco passed through he headed to his own bedroom to get a nice shower in, but was stopped by a crying Scorpius on his empty bed. He rushed over and got on one knee so that he was eye level with the small boy.

"What's wrong, Scorp?"

"Aunt 'Mione p-put me to bed early and I-I had a nightmare. I c-came to your room, b-b-but you weren't here..." Scorpius looked down and wiped his eyes and nose with the bottom rim of his pajama shirt before looking back up at his father and wrapping his arms around his neck in a hug.

"Oh Scorp, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you." He lifted his son off the bed and squeezed him tightly, kissing the top of his small blonde head. "I was out with Harry...You remember Harry right?"

Scorpius visibly brightened at the sound of his name. He pulled back with a huge smile on his face even though he still had tear in his eyes.

"Really!? I wish we could hang out with Harry all the time!" Draco looked at his son and nodded.

"Maybe we could. Scorpius, if I told you that I liked Harry, would you be mad?"

"No daddy. Why would I be mad? I like Harry too!"

"What if I liked Harry the same way I liked your mum? Would you be okay with that?"

"So will 'Arry be my mummy now?" Draco chuckled at his son and shook his head.

"No, it just means he'll be around more. We'll hug and kiss sometimes..."

"He makes you happy, Daddy?" Scorpius says with big eyes.

"Yeah he does, Scorp."

"Then it's okay. I like 'Arry too, daddy. He's really nice." Scorpius smiled at his father. His eyes were no longer glossy with tears, but his face was still visibly red from having cried so much before. He waited for his father to put him down before running out the door and to his own room.

Draco smiled once his son left and headed into the bathroom to shower and finally relax. When he came out Scorpius was in his own pajamas snuggled into his father's bed.

"Hello, little one," Draco said sliding into bed next to his son. Scorpius cuddled in closer.

"Hi..." He smiled up as his dad shyly before turning over and whispering. "Daddy?"

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