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"Well, Potter, what do you want to know?" Draco glanced up at Harry before he continued eating, being sure to keep his head down. Harry tilted his head to the side and watched Draco.

"I don't know, the basics maybe?" Harry asked gathering a forkful of mushrooms with a slice of steak before allowing Draco to meet his gaze again. The blonde almost immediately blushed while rolling his eyes.

"You know the basics." He was staring at him. Harry shrugged and looked back into his eyes.

"Humour me?"

"Maybe another time. I've got a lot of baggage I don't think I want to unpack just yet. Especially not here in a muggle restaurant."

"Still think I'm going to run off the first chance I get?" Harry asked watching Draco closely. The blonde looked up and caught his gaze.

"I would."


"Papa? Can I stay with you the next weekend that you're off work?" Andromeda looked up at Harry when she heard the name and the fire in her eyes melted any of his resolve to ignore her stares.

"Sure, pup." Harry rubbed the top of Teddy's head before shoo-ing the young boy up and into his room then heading over to the kitchen to talk to Andromeda. As soon as he walked in the kitchen he felt the chill in the air as the feeling of her anger manifested into her residual magic within the room.

"Maybe I didn't hear him correctly." She spoke while looking directly at Harry who had found the loose thread in his jumper much more interesting. "Did Teddy just call you 'Papa'?" Harry nodded but didn't look up. "You're not his father, Harry." The anger in her voice when she said it made Harry snap his head up to stare at her, his anger finally bubbling to the surface.

"No, I'm not. He's an orphan, just like me because I wasn't able to stop the war fast enough. It's my fault Tonks is dead- that Remus is dead. I'm not his father. I could never be half the man Remus was. I get that, okay? But I am the closest thing he has to father and if he wants to call me Papa I am going to let him. He is just as much my son as you allow him to be." Harry took a deep breath to calm himself down because the air had started to crackle with his energy as well. "I've dealt with your attitude and you rarely letting me see him for Teddy's sake, but it's been 10 years Andy. He's my family too." Harry turned on his heel and stormed out but before he could apparate away she yelled after him.

"I don't think you should visit Teddy anymore. I know you've been keeping him around with my death eater nephew. He's told me. I won't stand for it. I trusted you Harry. But now I'm not sure why that was the case." Harry disapparated and felt a tug at his core proving he was forced to leave a magical signature behind. He was no longer welcome within the wards. He took a deep breath and went to the first place he thought of.


Draco felt his presence before he heard the doorbell. Harry usually came straight through the wards. What was up with Potter?

"Did the elves reset the wards?" Draco drawled before even having the door completely open.

"Uh no. I just didn't think it would be appropriate for me to just 'pop in' anymore. We aren't together..." Harry looked down. Then back up with glassy eyes.

"Harry did something happen?" Draco opened the door wider now that he realized this wasn't just witty banter. The raven haired man rushed into Draco's arms as tears fell down his cheeks. Draco held him and when Harry opened his eyes again they had appeared in what seemed to ne Draco's bedroom. It was very minimalist modern with light grey walls and dark wood furniture and a bed with dark grey and green sheets. "What's wrong Harry?"

"An-Andromeda says I can't see Ted-dy anymore. He c-called me Papa and she f-flipped out." Draco looked at him pointedly. Then laid them on the bed. They kicked their shoes off and Harry positioned himself in Draco's arms. The blondes head resting on top of his and their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

"Potter, I know you better than this. You wouldn't be crying unless you were blaming yourself. What did you do?"

"I m-may have yelled at her..." Harry looked ashamed and blushed at his admittance. Draco only smirked at him.

"Definitely not a Hufflepuff." Harry looked at Draco gratefully. The blonde knew how to make him smile, even if he was teasing. He somehow knew how to get a reaction from Harry. Now that he thought about it, hadn't he always?


"No problem. Now what was that at the door about us not being a thing? Are you really angry about it?" Draco was looking down at him now. Harry could feel the shift in movement and blushed at the attention.

"Its not that I'm angry. It's just- I don't know, Dray. I've cared about you for so long it just feels like something I've always done. Even when I was supposed to be hating your guts I was worried about whether you were okay or not. So now it's like-it's like I have you, but I can't have you. Does that make any sense?"

"It makes complete sense." Draco tilted his head down and met Harry's lips in a kiss. The kiss was messy and far from perfect. There was spit and it tasted of salt and residual tears, but the message got across just fine. Maybe they weren't actually together yet, but neither of them planned on going anywhere anytime soon. They were going to be there for each other no matter what. When they broke apart Harry looked up at the man holding him as if he never wanted to let go and spoke.

"Since when did you become the Hufflepuff?"

"Who knows? But I do know that I'll be whatever you need me to be from here on out." He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes with a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth. "Even if that includes being your boyfriend." Harry burrowed in face in Draco's chest.

"You don't have to, Dray, I understand our situation really. You have to talk to Scorp about it first, we discussed it at dinner..."

"Harry James Potter, if you don't want to allow yourself to be happy by having me as a boyfriend then help me be happy by being mine." Harry smiled while letting a tear slide down his cheek.

"I mean, if you insist..." It was Harry's turn to smirk and Draco rolled his eyes.

"You and your damn Hero Complex." Draco kissed Harry again, before pulling his wand from his sleeve and casting a spell to switch their clothes into pajamas then tucked them into bed. "It's my turn to take care of you, love. That means you are definitely sleeping here tonight."

"Thank you, Draco." Harry snuggled deeper into the sheets and closer to Draco before fading into an extremely peaceful sleep.


whats up my futher muckers...

i know im a few hours late butttt

did we like this chapter? I had some awww moments while writing it


hope you all enjoyed

love you

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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