Will You Gobble de Gook?

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Suddenly news is full of wow about
warm quantum coherence,
already demonstrated
in plant photosynthesis,
bird navigation and
our sense of smell.

Now following hard on realizations that
a single neuron is a 'processor',
hard evidence for sweet quantum vibrations
within neuronal microtubules,
orchestrated by memory and synaptic music,
played through protein polymers,
anharmonic as an Indian raga,
to dance out a ballet of brainwaves,
in line with fine-scale self-organizing
processes in the 'proto-conscious'
structure of quantum reality...

Yay-days! for Roger Penrose and Stuart
Hammeroff  who dreamed it up
twenty years ago, laughed at
by the skeptics all this while,
so we keep our mouths ready
in case it might all just fold up
and fall like a card tower.

Hammeroff - a great name for
an anaesthetist. Yes. Let me appeal
to his magic to dampen down all
that microtubular activity nicely tonight
and let me get some damn-good,
uninterrupted sleep.


Penrose does not believe these processes are like computational algorithms - the mind is not a machine in that sense of the word.

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