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The stars were deep in darkness
when I unlocked my home;
the dust of our great galaxy
was shining like a bone;
The Plough looked sharp and lethal;
Orion's belt was tight:
without a cloud this evening
tomorrow's crusted bright.

Down roads robing dusk round,
I drove out to my work,
ill fated, evil hearted,
my thoughts a wicked dirk.
But let them not take carriage
and smash it into sticks,
skidding off the roadway,
cursing as it hits.

Give me back my legions!
Ghosts march by my side.
Give me back my troubadours!
I'm sailed on this high tide;
for what streams in the firmament
is hate and bitter pride,
omnipotent delusions
with death to coincide.

Bring on the cold. Its glinter
may make me fear that dark;
and drive it from my centre,
return to me, my spark.
Though I must remember,
yet need I to forget:
the dark horse travels fastest
where love might linger yet.

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