January Roads

2.9K 72 28

1 Middlewich and Back

No attention-seeking gimmick
in a blank sky to distract;
just the main features;
trees, ivy wreathed, evergreens,
telephone poles, pylons
striding over fields to skyline

only momentarily obscured
as muddy water leaps up,
or windscreen wipers
continue regal greetings
to that bleak crowd of everything,
musing on their annus mirablis /
annus horriblis, sweeping
up and back above the grey
puddle-covered road,
chooser of our views.

But then, on the way back,
horizon opens a slate blue
eyelid crack of backlight
sustaining silhouette clarities,
sieving form from muzzy dusk.

Avenues which will be summer
tunnels, reach darkening arms
over this hapless windscreen,
rending equanimity.

2 Traitor

Oh, this traitor doze:
startling awake, am with you,
love running me through.

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